Chapter 1 - Beware Of The Dark Side

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Copyright © Kisela Berice/Xelaphonehome. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed in whole or part without the express written permission of Kisela Berice/Xelaphonehome.

Beyonce's POV:

"Well I'll be damned! What a beautiful sight you are, my dear!" A man in a business suit shouts in my direction, as soon as I step outside the church; he's watching me from the other side of the road, leaning against a shiny black limousine as he lights a cigar.

I pretend I dont see him and carry on walking home; one- I dont talk to random strangers, two- I dont care how rich he looks, I'm not that type of girl, three- I only get happy about being called "beautiful" when it comes from my boyfriend Chris, and four- the man looks about the same age as daddy! Urgh.

Joseph's POV:

"Wait up, young lady, let me talk to you for just five minutes!" I holler as I cross the road and quickly walk up to Beyonce; I cant let her get away, this could be my only chance to get her alone, away from the influence of her "holier-than-thou" father who happens to be an old friend of mine. I had spoken to Matthew on the phone earlier and he said he wasnt preaching at church today because he was ill; I begged him to let me sign his daughter to my label Hustla Music but once again he told me to go to hell and leave him and his family out of my "devil's music and evil lifestyle"... So deluded!

Beyonce's POV:

What does he want?

I roll my eyes before I stop and turn to face him; there's something about him that seems familiar... Have we met before?

"Hello" I fake a smile, "how may I help you on this fine Sunday afternoon, sir?"

"My, my, have you grown" he eyes me from the floor up and shakes his head in disbelief.

"I'm sorry, do I know you?" I shoot him a confused look as I try to remember where I recognise him from.

"My name is Joseph Jackson. I'm an entrepreneur, a BUSINESS man!" he announces it like I'm supposed to lose my mind and faint😒.

"Good for you" I nod, politely "well, I wish you much success, sir".

"I used to come to the church when you was little, I dont expect you to remember, but I would listen to you sing in the choir and think to myself she's going to be a star someday".

Aha! I knew I recognised that face from somewhere. Keep talking...

"I hope you still sing. You sounded amazing back then, I'm sure you're even better now. Anyway," he waves his cigar in the air like a magic wand "I own a record label called Hustla Music and I'm putting together this girl gro_"

"I'm sorry, did you say you OWN Hustla Music?" I cut him off, making sure I heard correctly. I mean, it sounded like he said it, but I know he did NOT just say it! That cant be true.😳

He laughs at my shocked expression, "that's right, I'm the big boss at Hustla Music. And I_"

"No wayyyy!" I cover my mouth to hide the silly grin on my face; I almost cant believe it, it's too good to be true, "Hustla Music is my dream record label! That's the label PBA are signed to!"

"Absolutely! Pretty Boy Allstars is the biggest boy group on the planet and I'm the one who put them together! I made their dream come true, I can do the same for you!"

I just freeze; I cant believe my luck.

Is this really happening?

Joseph's POV:

Great! Beyonce knows about my record label and she even knows the name of the group I signed a year ago - this goes to show that she's very much into worldly music; I'm happy to know this. Also, I can tell she's lost for words so I better get talking that good talk!

"Here," I reach from inside my blazer and hand her my business card with all my contact details "I'm working on this project, it's a girl group, they're gonna be HUUUGE! The idea is to have a female version of PBA. You know, young like yourself, fresh, fun, singing, rapping, the kids going crazy and alla that! I want you to be the fourth member that we're missing".

"Me?" She's looking at me like I'm Jesus Christ; at this moment I know it's everything she's ever wanted.

"Who else? Give me a call and we'll arrange a day you can meet everybody, the girls, our producers, the_"

"And PBA?" She interrupts with wide innocent eyes; she's fidgeting with her fingers looking like she doesnt know what to do with herself.

"You'll meet the boys, eventually, yes" I laugh "But first we gotta hurry up and get you signed."

"I just wish my dad would let me. I cant even tell him about this. He would never approve. He wants me to be a gospel singer and_"

Poor thing! I was wondering when she'd finally confess "then dont tell him. You dont always have to tell him everything, you know. He doesnt tell you everything, does he, Beyonce?"

The look on her face is priceless "you know my name? I didnt tell you my name. How do you know my name?"

"I'm an old friend of Matthews" I smirk "Like I said, I used to come to the church. I still check up on him from time to time. We fell out some years ago but when I heard your mother died I had to keep in touch. I even asked to come to the funeral" that last one is a lie but I continue anyway "it's a shame he's never told you about who I've become and all the wonderful things I can do for you and that talent of yours. You see, he doesnt tell you everything. And if you're as smart as you look, you'll keep this to yourself and you wont tell him you saw me outside the church today."

Beyonce looks at the card in her hand and looks back at me; I must admit she looks like a lost little child "OK, sir".

"You can call me Joseph" I say before I turn and head back towards my limo; I know for a man of my age, I should know better than to play these kind of games but I'm Joe Jackson and I always get my way.

I win, Matthew. I'ma always be the winner. You gone always lose, thinking you're a better man than me.

My chauffeur drives off as I smirk to myself inside the limo.

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