Alike Somehow

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"Something on your mind,Cisco,Sam?" Wells said as Cisco and I paced back and forth as he stared at the blueprints.

"No." We said in sync.

"Yes." I narrowed my eyes at Cisco. "How did you fit your Reverse Flash suit into that little ring? Is it some sort of compressed micro tech? Or actually,forget it. I don't care"

"Thank god you don't" I sarcastically smiled.

"Ronnie and you Sam are right. I should have accounted for the temporal shearing." He moaned.

"Looks like the psycho from the future was wrong about something. There's a shock." I folded my arms. Are humans still idiots in the future?

"Glad we're still good for something." Cisco said,fiddling with his fingers.

"I never underestimated your contribution. And certainly never yours Sam. Or Ronnies. Do you know how many times I wished you both were there with me as I rebuilt the accelerator? It would have been a lot more fun."

Cisco and I glanced at each other,suspiciously,and quite frankly,weirded out.

"Yeah. Well,doesn't change the fact that your nifty little time sphere.."

"Is that what your calling it?" Wells retorted to Cisco.

"Whatever it's called. It's gonna blow"

"Not if you cement the tiles with a cobalt resin. That'll prevent degradation in condition of extreme heat."

"Okay,lets go do that Cisco" we both were about to walk out,before Thawnes voice was heard.

"That's it? That's all?"

"Well,What do you want us to say?"Cisco yelled,pulling me back to face Eobard.

"I don't know. I thought of anyone,you'd be a little more understanding Cisco. Sam you were a close second." I began seeing red. Is this man for real? "I don't belong here. These barbaric times. It's like living amongst the dead."

"Is that what you told yourself? When you killed me?" Cisco finally asked his underlying question,and I felt the tension. It was think af.

"What?" Wells turned around,actually looking shocked. "What did you say?"

"The day Barry and I ran back in time and told you about it. The alternate timeline. That day,you killed Cisco." I pointed at the glass.

"I never forgot. It just kept coming back to me. And I can still picture the way you looked at me when you called me a son and you crushed my heart with your fist."

"Cisco...I'm sorry." Well those are two words I never thought would come out of his murderous mouth. Ah. A simile.

"Yeah. It sucked."

"Not for killing you. I'm sure I had a good reason" that's the Thawne we know and hate! "I'm sorry for the fact you're able to retain traces of another timeline. You're able to see through the vibrations of the universe. It means...I wasn't sure until just now."

"Sure of what?" Cisco stepped closer to the cell.

"The night the particle accelerator were affected too." I narrowed my eyes. It could be possible Cisco's powers took longer to manifest then the rest of ours,and the reset of the timeline could have I guess activated his powers. This is weird...

"What are you talking about?" Cisco said slowly,relaxing a small laugh. "No. I wasn't."

"Don't be afraid, Cisco. A great and honourable destiny awaits you now. I only hope that as you're living your great adventure,that you remember who gave you that life. And that it was given out of love."

Cisco stepped back and walked out of the accelerator. But I stopped him. "I need to talk to Eobard,tell Ronnie I'll be up soon."

"Are you sure you want to do that? I just don't want you to get hurt" he said sincerely.

"Don't worry,I can handle myself"

He nodded and then walked off.

"I have been waiting for you to come here without Barry. Now what is it that you are dying to ask me?" He folded his arms,and we had a face off.

"Why would I be a close second? Out of everyone,why me? You killed my only family! How could you even think that I would understand you!?" I shouted. Guess that my angers coming out.

"Because Samantha,I know you,and you know me. Over the past two years of you working for me,I saw a side of you that I never saw in the future when you were Bolt. I saw you then as the pesky sidekick to the Flash,who would stop at nothing to get in my way,but now I see you differently. I see you as a smart,intellectual woman who is just misunderstood by most. Just like I am."

"I am nothing like you" my ears felt like they were about to burst out of my face,from the widening I was putting them through. "I don't kill families for enjoyment"

"No,I did not kill you parents for enjoyment. I just killed them to get to future you. But you aren't who I thought you were Samantha,you are much more."

"How can you talk about me like that,when you hate me!?"

"I don't hate this you,it's future you I hate. This version of you cannot be hated. That version...well she has many flaws."

"Coming from the psychotic,time travelling bastard,who ran back in time 139 years to kill 3 people. If that is a person who isn't flawed,then I don't know who is." And with that I turned away and made my way out.

"You'll see Samantha." My hand was on the lock,but I wanted to let him finish. "You'll see how much we are alike in the coming days."

I locked the door as he spoke.

I am nothing like Eobard Thawne.


After my heart to heart with Eobard,I regrouped with the gang,as professor Stein had something to tell us all.

"We have a problem." He announced,seeming quite shaken up.

"What?" Barry said,putting down his tablet.

"The calculations. There is a danger."

"I know. I'm ready to take the risk." Barry said nodding.

"And so am I" Deep down,I'm freaking out. You know,possibility of dying is quite frightening when you think of it.

"No,not just to the two of you,but to everyone. Wells didn't tell us everything. Barry,even if you both do reach the right speed,colliding with the hydrogen particle,there is a chance that explosion could create a singularity."

"What's a singularity?" Caitlin stuttered.

"A black hole" I yelled over Cisco. Now I was freaking out more than I previously was. There's always an obstacle...

"We could destroy Central City." Barry concluded.

"For starters. If we create a singularity here and then can not control it,we could be looking at a global catastrophe." I shook my head,feeling utterly defeated gain.

"So long and thanks for all the fish." Cisco exclaimed.

How can I keep my promise to Barry,when so much is on the line?

Everything's falling a part again...

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