Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve


My dreams thankfully were not plagued with nightmares. Maybe it was because Loki had stayed through the night.

Loki was still asleep when I awoke, in full armor, which couldn't be comfortable under any circumstances. However, he hadn't moved at all. It also didn't look like he had a nightmare. I took that to be a blessing from Valhalla, for the last time it had happened, I lost a hand.

I nudged him to see if he would wake. Loki didn't even stir. I heaved against his side, trying to achieve who knows what. Unfortunately, he already weighed alot without armor, so with the extra weight from his armor made him nearly impossible to move for me.

I sighed. "Loki, why in all the Nine Realms do you have to be so difficult when you're sleeping?"

It was almost like he was dead. He wasn't,  which was good, but he was also in a coma that rendered him completely useless.

I gave up on waking him up after a few more vain struggles and dressed myself.

I braided my hair while debating on getting Thor to help me wake him up. Finally settling on telling Frigga to save Loki from being embarrassed, I made the rather lengthy journey to her quarters.

I knocked on her door quietly. "Frigga? I have an issue..."

The door opened quickly, revealing Queen Frigga still in her nightgown with absolutely no shame. "Well, come in dear. Tell me what's wrong."

"Uh, it's Loki."

She nodded, sitting down next to me. "Is he being harsh?"

"No, he's not waking up," I said bluntly, trying to avoid the protective mother situation.

"Oh! Did he use his energy to do something?" She smiled nostalgically. "He used to do that alot as a youth. It scared Odin when he would see Loki passed out in the dining hall. Thor would get a kick out of it."

I smiled myself, imagining a pubescent Loki passed out on the floor and Odin panicking. But using his energy? That was new to me. Perhaps that was why I had no nightmares.

"I suppose he did use his energy. Whatever he did, he's not moving," I replied. "He's on my bed, too."

Frigga nodded. "We better fix that."

Soon we stood in my room, staring at the sleeping God. Frigga had her hands on her hips, in deep thought.

"He hasn't done this for a long time. I've never had to lift him when he got this heavy." She seemed stumped. "It could kill him, you know. We need to wake him up. We could have Thor-"

"I don't think Loki would approve of that," I stated, cutting her off. It could kill him?

Frigga frowned. "You're right. He wouldn't like Odin to do it either."

"Do you think we could lift him together?" I asked. It seemed feasible; the queen was wildly strong. "He may be heavy, but we might be able to at least try."

Loki's eyes shot open right then. "Please don't try to lift me."

Frigga grinned. "You're up." She turned to me. "My work is done. Have a good day, dear. I'll be seeing you."

I smiled. "Have a nice morning, Frigga."

Loki ran his hand through his ebony hair. "How long was I out?"

"A while. All night and a couple hours into the morning." I sat down next to him. "I never knew that Gods could be so heavy."

He chuckled quietly. "It's different when you're a giant, Lienna."

I nodded. "So, you used all your energy? To do what?"

"You didn't notice? No relaxation, no stress relief, no clear, easy sleep?" He laid back on the bed.

"Thank you," I replied. "Thank you so much."

"A labor of love," he whispered. "Wipes you out, nearly kills you, but it's the most satisfying thing you'll ever do."

I laid back with him, entwining my hand in his. "I love you."

Those three words which I had virtually never said to him, yet he had said to me countless times. He had risked his life to make me comfortable. He had earned those words.

He was quiet for a long few moments, savoring the words I had given him. "I love you too."


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