Chapter Fifteen

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Chapter Fifteen

"Wisteria! I need to see Lady Wisteria!" My voice was louder than I expected.

"Lady Wisteria is not accepting visitors at this time. You may return later with written consent or have Lady Wisteria speak to us-"

The envelope hit him on the nose, catching him off guard. He looked through it and nodded. "Proceed. Lady Wisteria's quarters are on the second floor, right corridor. The first room. Knock before entering," he said with a slight smile. "She's courting."

A blush crept up to my cheeks, but I followed his directions. My fist hit the door loudly. I flinched.

"Please come in," she called. Her eyes widened as she saw me. "You can't be here! What if they knew?"

"No one knew, no one noticed!" I replied. "I hope..."

She groaned. "So stupid."

"You did not reply to my letters."

Wisteria sighed. "I know, but you're so insufferable and helpless."

"How is it proceeding?"

"Well enough. I believe she suspects something. Well, of course she suspects something with your messages. She did confide in the Allfather and Loki, but I tried my best to apprehend them."

"Wisteria! Good that you stopped it, because it opened up an opportunity for me, but also bad. If you want this to succeed, you can't let that happen!" I massaged my temples. "We need to act soon."

"I can be ready in two days' time."

I nodded. "Do not forget to respond to the letters! Two days."


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