Chapter 10- Welcomed The Unwelcome

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I woke up. I looked around me; I couldn't remember actually falling asleep. I looked down at my white and grey bed sheets to see dots of dried blood spotted across the fabric. I lifted my hand up to my face and squinted at it. It was smudge in dried blood, but there was no longer a wound there in inspect. I sighed and lifted my head up from the very comfortable pillow, and yawned. I looked to the small bed side table to see a digital alarm clock, I squinted at that as well, and the bright red numbers hurt my eyes.

"Eight, thirty?" I questioned myself. I grounded, and pushed myself out of the bed. My feet padded across the plush floor. I rubbed my eyes, as I heard multiple mental voices, coming from the other side of my door.

"Hank said Liberty woke up last night, is that true?" the voice belonged to Scott Summers. I sighed and walked over to the long mirror located near a door, I guess which led to the bathroom. I looked at myself. Even though I was immortal and ever youthful, it didn't stop bag forming underneath my eyes, it didn't help shed the awful blood shot eyes I seemed to have adopted. I groaned at myself. I looked bloody awful.

I tugged open the door, to reveal what I had earlier thought. It was of coarse a bathroom. I stepped from the plush carpeted floor onto the cold tiles. I inwardly shivered at the temperature difference. In the corner of the room stood a mirror and a sink, lined with toiletries. In the opposite corner stood a cylindrical shower unit, and in the middle of the room stood a large standalone bath. I slipped the straps off my shoulders allowing the dress to fall from my body and pool at my ankles. I walked briskly over to the shower (The cold is not a naked person's friend). I closed the door behind me, and looked at the shower, there was one handle. I pushed it over to the right, making the dial enter the red portion of the switch, I guess that meant hot. Then I pulled it towards me, making hot water pour from the square shower head.

I gave a gasp; it was very pleasant to finally have a shower. Fair enough I would never need a shower for the rest of my life but I just loved the feeling of the water ricocheting off my skin. I ran a hand through my smooth straight hair, which now reached the small of my back. I sighed and looked at the small shower shelf to see three bottles, each labeled plainly, "Shampoo, conditioner, body wash." I quickly grabbed the shampoo and rubbed it thoroughly into my scalp and hair. I pushed my scalp underneath the burning hot water, and let the shampoo pour out from my hair; I dragged my hands over my hair pulling any excess water from it. I grabbed the conditioner and masked my hair in it. I gently rubbed the body wash over my body creating a thick lather before it slid off my skin. I sighed as the last of the conditioner moved out of my hair leaving it soft and silky.

I pushed the tape back towards the wall turning off the shower. I pulled open the shower door to see two plush white towels resting on a heated rack. I pulled one off and wrapped it around my body. I walked over to the bathroom mirror, and looked at the toiletries, and saw a plain white tooth brush. I put a small amount of toothpaste on the bristles and began to viciously brush my teeth. I opened my mouth wide trying to see if I had missed anything, only to see foam. I spat it into the sink and drank some water from the tap.

The minty taste stayed even though my mouth was now free of toothpaste foam. I saw only white teeth, as I grinned wildly at myself. Which I found strange when I met my own gaze. I pulled away from my reflection and padded into my room.

"Good mornin," shit! My foot slipped off the edge of the tiled bathroom floor, causing my spine and head to slam onto the hard tiled bathroom floor. I felt the crack and I could feel the blood trickle from the back of my head.

"Oh shit!" that's exactly what I thought. I groaned as I was quickly pulled up from the floor. Being half god does not save me from concussion. I felt slightly nauseous as I looked up at Logan. I could feel the back of my head quickly knit itself back together as Logan held the tops of my arms in his feverously heated hands.

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