Chapter 20- Keep All This Pain Away

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I opened one eye only to see a muffled grey. I closed that eye and slowly opened the other to be welcomed by the glare of bare florescent lights which lay across the ceiling. I screwed my eyes shut and slowly opened both eyes. It was like part of my vision was blocked off, forcing me to frantically look around me. I could feel the lip of my eye lid slid over my blind eye. I looked around the concrete walled room only to see myself and the cot bed I lay in. I pulled away the thin bed sheets and sat on the edge of my bed staring with my one working eye at the uneven and sharp concrete ground. I placed my feet firmly on the floor only to feel the uneven pieces of hard concrete stab into the soles of my feet.

I looked to my left to see a large grey metal door at the foot of my bed. I listened out only to hear far away muffled mental voices trained to be as quiet as possible. I smirked, these men, these soldiers knew who they were dealing with, but not completely, not yet anyhow.  I listened carefully for any movement outside of my room; I sat there slightly leaning towards the grey metal door as I sat firmly on the cot, waiting for something, waiting for anything.

Soon the sound of hard soled military boots sounded out through the halls with authority. I looked towards the door. The sound of the boots stopped directly outside of my room. I could feel the filled grey of my left eye dissipate welcoming a blurred world of colour that still wasn’t completely clear to me. The key slid into the heavy steel lock and was twisted strongly releasing the latches keeping me contained.

He stood there his wire frame glasses sitting on the bridge of his nose, a smirk proudly placed on his lips and a glint of utter desolation in his beady eyes. This was my chance I could easily get past him; I would quickly overwhelm this compound saving the other mutants trapped here and myself, taking then with me as I ran disappearing into obscurity. I quickly bolted upright from the bed ready to run only to hear his laugh.

I dropped to my knees. My hand clutched my chest as blood and bile rose up in my throat. My head hung low as my vision swayed.

“Mein Fraulein, do you really think you’re in any condition to escape here?” My lips pursed themselves into a tight line but not even that could stop the blood pouring out from the corner of my mouth. The white hospital gown I wore soon became covered in blood as my bottom jaw slackened letting the pool of blood drop from my mouth like a wave. My hand still clutched at my hand as my heart stuttered and shuddered in my chest. I watched as the blood left the cloth in a haze of bronze and ash. I painfully moved my free hand up to my bloodied mouth and whipped away the still flowing blood.

“What did you do to me!?” I growled as I struggled to raise myself up onto one knee. I panted harshly as my head hung, mouth still pouring blood and my body shuddering.

“We took precaution Mein Fraulein,” I raised myself up from the floor onto both feet, only to stumble. My bloody hand gripped the metal railing of the bottom of my cot. My breath came out thick and heavy with torrents of free flowing blood.

As I tried to steady my shaking body, Baron von Strucker took on step towards me and pushed my feeble failing body back onto the pure white sheets of the cot bed. I choked out, as blood continued to pool in my mouth and flow down my trachea. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t move. He loomed over me with a sinister smirk on his lips. Suddenly my head was moved to the side allowing the blood to flow out of my mouth and on to the brilliant white sheets of my bed. I choked out the blood that filled my lungs spraying it across the grey concrete wall and the bloodied sheets.

“We realized that depending on how critical the organ is to the human body, correlates to the rate of healing. I looked up from the corner of my left eye which still consisted of blurred colours and figures as Baron Von Strucker looked down at me. Soon the light touch of a leather clad fingers trailed over the bare skin of my arms. Suddenly he gripped the top of my arms in a bruising grip, I couldn’t struggle I had to just lay there hoping my heart would heal.

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