Character Chart - Warren Brecker (Sympathetic)

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Name - Warren Brecker 

Arc - Goes from being a normal guy with his family in the flashback to dedicating his life to science by the present time to find a cure for those with uncontrollable superpowers. Gains his forgiveness and compassion through the events that transpire in this flashback.

Physical Attributes - Tall, thin, and dark-haired. Has a noticeable scar across his eye from a piece of rubble that struck him during the incident where he lost his family, being metaphorical for the mental impact the incident had on him. The protagonist slices (and/or burns) through this scar as she kills him in the finale.

Habits - Carries himself in a manner reminiscent of an archetypal introvert, generally exuding the opposite of an atmosphere of having so much energy he is struggling to contain it. This is not to say that he acts lethargic; merely that he is not energetic. Does not see himself as superior to others, but not inferior either (I'm okay, you're okay). Used to be an oil painter before he dedicated himself to science, and this bleeds through in his mannerisms.

Abilities - Has built up an incredible understanding of how superpowers work over the years. Is not scared of powered people like many of his unpowered compatriots and instead sees them for what they are—people.

Positive Traits - Very forgiving and believes anyone can change for the better, which makes the scene where he is killed even more heartbreaking. Immensely dedicated to his research. Can be charming when not talking business.

Flaws - Does research to the exclusion of almost everything else; does not socialize much with the other staff at the facility outside of business relations and barely does anything other than sleep, let alone any hobbies, when he retires to his home for the night. Is consequently seen by his fellow staff as somewhat icy towards them. Believes that somewhat ethically questionable research tactics are nonetheless necessary for his cause.

Role - Serves as the main "antagonist", leading the research effort behind the cure for the superpowers. Adds sympathy for the facility and its cause, creating a moral grey area in the story.

Goal - To cure people like his daughter and the protagonist so that nothing like what happened to his family can ever happen again.

Relationships - Extremely compassionate and sympathetic towards powered people, seeing them first and foremost as victims, especially the protagonist, who he sees as something of a surrogate for his daughter. Loved his family more than anything. Somewhat uncomfortable with the Brute's remarkable bloodthirstiness, but feels safe knowing that he's on their side and not the other way around.

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