The past never leaves

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Back home, the house seemed quiet, too quiet. It was noon and they were both exhausted from the travel.

"Koshi is gone already?" Minela asked Ariven, trying to hide the relief in her voice.

"Yes baby, she is staying in one of my highly secured apartments, with all her medical facilities at her disposal."

"Wasn't she scared to be alone?" Minela asked.

"You would like her to be here? I thought you didn't like her staying here."

Minela stayed quiet, wondering whether she should be truthful with Ariven and then decided to be truthful.

"I didn't. I felt like I had no privacy with her here and you were always running off to her, I didn't like that." She finally admitted, looking at Ariven in order to see how he would react to this.

"I know, Minela. I'm sorry I bought her here without consulting you first. It wasn't my choice to make."

"It's okay, I understand that she needed you-"

"I know Minela but it was still inappropriate of me to make her stay here despite knowing that you didn't like it. I should have been able to set boundaries in my friendship. I promise I'll never try to force anyone in our life again, Minela. "

"It's fine." Minela said, "I'm exhausted, I'm going to bath"

"Mind if I join?"

"I do, actually. I need some privacy. "

"No worries, call me when you're done." Minela nodded as she headed towards the bathroom. When Minela came downstairs, she heard the doorbell. She opened the door to find Furleeah.

"What do you want?" Minela asked.

"Oh come on, this is no proper way to greet your guest!" Furleeah said, patting her pregnant belly. Soon after, Ariven arrived.

"What the fuck are you doing here?" Ariven asked.

"Oh well I called but you weren't answering! Didn't I tell you I have something important to tell you guys?" She asked, smiling maliciously.

"Fuck off, we want nothing to do with you."

" Oh well this does concern you here, after all this is about your unborn child !"

"Excuse me?" Minela asked astounded.

"Oh yeah...did I forget to mention this little one here is your baby?"

"Impossible, we always used condom. " Ariven muttered. Minela looked at Ariven accusingly.

"What is the meaning of this, Ariven?"

"Oh....little wifey didn't know I was carrying her husband's unborn child?" She said in a dulcet tone.

"You knew about this, Ariven?"

"No I didn't! "

"What nonsense, of course you even made me sign a contract about not letting anyone know I'm carrying your child." Furleeah said, looking at Ariven.

"I never did, shut the fuck up, this isn't even my child."

"Okay, I knew you wouldn't believe me, Minela that's why I bought along the DNA test. Here you go, open it." She said, handing Minela the test results. Minela's hands quiverred as she opened the test and the paper fell out of her hand when she saw the results."

"Is this why you weren't worried at all when I was told I couldn't be a mother! " Minela cried.

"Minela, I didn't know about this, I swear-"

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