Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

Fables POV

There is a point in everyone's life where they may just give up and stop trying. This may happen to one when they want to stop their feelings. Feelings are a powerful reckoning that can damage someone in unfixable ways. When they open their eyes and stop pretending. Now, this usually doesn't happen until people are much older, because wisdom comes with age. This happens to the elderly people as they lie on their deathbeds. Fully accepting the expectations of fate. When you no longer have a choice of changing your decisions to live longer. When you no longer have the choice to put that cigarette down, or to follow that speed limit. Its just such a shame no one realizes it until its too late. Making life changing decisions don't mean much when your life is already over.

I was named Fable Adair by my mom. Some old family name that gets passed down. My mom left thirteen years ago when I was two. So Im not really part of her family anyways, so I guess the name doesnt mean much. I know Im young but I am to the point in life where I have given up. That point I was talking about earlier is that most people realize when they are dying. Well I wish I was dying. It sounds morbid, Im aware of that. Today is the beginning of sophomore year though, so I think I have a good excuse.

I'm not complaining about the summer I had. It was bad, horrible actually, but I know that some people have it worse. My dad chooses to live in an intoxicated state, which isn't great for me. Hes finally gotten me to the point of giving up. Im not saying I want to kill myself. What I am saying is I don't look both ways when crossing the street.

Some people may think Im being dramatic, but if you lived my life I think you would understand. My entire summer break consisted of spending time with my family. Which was only my dad, who wasnt my dad with a bottle in his hand. I believe my dad actually died a long time ago. An empty bottle took his life, and in some dramatic way mine as well. No mom to help me, no friends to lean on. Nope, just him. Today, I'm doing it differently, Im aware that I have given up and have no real reason to try anymore. I feel as if I can't commit suicide though because I dont want to put that image in some young kids head. I don't want to be responsible for the domino effect of death. I will die naturally, but hopefully as soon as possible.

On the bright side, as some people may call it, I live in a nice house, one thats been in our family for generations. We live in a suburb town and unfortunately there are people everywhere. Everybody wants to say "Hey" and check in on you. How do I tell them my dad threw a bottle at me? I was just being clumsy I always say when they ask about the marks. I dreamt of a day that people would stop being so nosy. It honestly would make things so much better. If I could be as invisible as I wanted to be. They paint the wrong pictures in movies, when you come to school with bruises people dont ignore you. They stare so much it makes your blood boil.

As I woke up I could already feel the pressure of the day weighing on me. Like a ton of bricks that I had to hold up. Then I remembered that I know I don't care. I mentally set all the bricks down. A representation of problems that arent my own, or things I cant solve. I would not be picking up any bricks ever again. I drug my feet out of bed and set them on the white carpet. Tucking my face into my hands and sighing. Walking over to the closet I pulled out a pair of shorts that had small tears in them, and then also a graphic shirt with the band Simple Plan on the front. I combed through my Aubrey brown hair and pulled it into a high ponytail. I slipped my black converse on, and walked out of my room, not bothering with makeup. Who was I trying to impress anyways?

My dad was still asleep in his room because he had stayed up all night. I tiptoed past his door carefully not to wake him up. I dont need to deal with him this early, I thought to myself. I walked down the hall and into the kitchen where I grabbed an apple. Usually as I walked out the door I would tell myself, your okay today is going to be fine. Not today, if I did that I would be lying to myself. One foot out the door, I whispered to myself. It's useless, but you have to go anyway.

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