Chapter 16

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I walked slowly to my house. My hands were shaking uncontrollably from inside my hoodie pocket. I had no idea what I was going to say or what I was going to do. I walked inside and had to stop in my tracks at what I saw. The house smelt like lavender, that was the first warning sign something was off. I looked around the house and saw how clean it was. The floors didn't have stains and the counters were shining.

"Fable is that you?" I heard my mom's voice from the living room.

"Yeah?" I responded unsure of what else to say.

"Please come here" she said. This should be good I think to myself. I walk to the living and almost laugh at the sight in front of me. My dad sat on the couch wearing blue jeans and a nice white t-shirt. My mom sits right next to him in a red sundress. They both look very nice while I'm wearing Cody's gray sweatpants and a white tank top. Why do I have Cody's sweatpants you ask? Not because we did anything, I literally spilt apple juice on my pants and had to change. I don't wear long sleeves around Cody anymore, which is nice because I'm not as hot anymore. One day he kissed my scars and it made me feel more loved than anyone has before.

My mother stands up and brushes off imaginary dirt from her dress.

"We need to talk," she said calmly.

"Yeah I got that by you calling my name" I gave her my snarky answer. Her face suddenly turned sour.

"Listen here little lady, you need to clean yourself up. No more sneaking out, no more ignoring me, and especially no more weed!" She said practically screaming at me. How did she find my weed? I threw it out after Cody and I started dating. He said he didn't like it so I stopped. That means my mom was in my room the first couple of days she was here. After she finishes her rant I laugh. Her scowl just grows deeper.

"Okay mom you can't just come in here and tell me what to do! I don't sneak out, got it? I walk straight through the door. It's not my fault you don't care we're I'm going. And as for ignoring you don't try me! You left me for ten years! Don't expect me to listen to you! Also, don't talk to me about drugs! You left and that was all that was around me" I screamed at her. Finally letting it all out felt super nice. When I was finished my dad stood up. He looked at me with hatred in his eyes. What the hell did I do to him?

"Don't talk to your mother like that," he growled, talking a step closer to me. I didn't move, because I wasn't intimidated. He lashed out and grabbed my arm quickly. He dug his fingers in and snarled in my face.

"Watch me," I said. That was the wrong decision. My dad slid his hand down his arm. His fingernail digging into the inside of my arm. Making blood come spilling out. My mom suddenly put a hand on his shoulder and he stopped. I took a step back quickly glaring at both of them. I ran upstairs and into the bathroom. I made sure to lock the door and started crying. My arm stung badly and was bleeding pretty bad. I turned on the shower making it the hottest it would go and stripped. I got into the shower and let the water burn me. I watched the blood mix with the water. I was really trying to ignore the stinging but it was a strong presence. I kept letting tears run down my face. I turned off the water and ran to my room. The bleeding had stopped but it still hurt really bad. I was used to the pain, and that was the saddest part. I changed into my pajamas and crawled in bed. It was only eight o'clock but I didn't care. I slowly cried myself to sleep.

The next morning was very hot. In the high eighties. Due to my um injuries I had to wear my blue hoodie. I choose black leggings to go with it and a plain white shirt underneath. I pulled my hair into a ponytail and did my Smokey eye makeup. I met Cody on the bus and sat with him. His eyes filled with concern the moment he saw me. He grabbed my hands as I sat down on the blue flat seat. My eyes almost filled with tears the moment he looked at me. The pain in his eyes was almost too much. He knew I was hurt because of how hot it was outside and that I was wearing my favorite hoodie.

"What happened?" he whispered. I held out my arm for him to look. I couldn't talk without waterfalls coming out of my green eyes. Cody carefully lifted up the sleeve of my hoodie. His face was full of grief when he saw the deep cut that stated just below my elbow and went to just about my wrist. He pulled the sleeve back down and pulled me into him. He wrapped his strong arms around me and held me tightly.

"Your dad?" He whispered. I just nodded my head in response. He kissed the top of my head and we rode to school.

I should have gone with you he whispers.

No, you didnt know. He doesn't respond. It makes me feel so loved that he wishes he could have protected me.

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