Chapter 31

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To say the next morning was bad would be putting it nicely. I tried to make the clothes look nice, I really did. This type of clothing just looks horrible on me. I gave up and eventually settled on blue jeans and a black and white collared shirt. I hate my mom so much right now.

I got a call from Tallia saying that she was out front so I ran outside successfully avoiding everyone in the process.

I got into the red Porsche and we drove to school. Did I mention everyone here was rich? No? Well they are so now you know. We talked about our classes on the way to school. Tallia was a very nice girl. Her parents were both doctors and she had a cat named polka dot. She was honestly adorable and a real child at heart.

When we arrived at the school we split up because our lockers were nowhere near each other's. As I neared my locker I saw someone standing next to it. He had black messy hair and when I got closer I could see vibrant blue eyes.

"Cody" I almost screamed. I wanted to run up and hug him but didn't want to cause a scene. He looked over when he heard the name and smirked. Hold up! What?! That was NOT Cody's smile.

"You're not Cody" I declared as I got a few feet from the imposter. The boy laughed at me.

"No I'm not" he smirked again.

"Who are you?" I said in a demanding tone.

"Whoa fisty aren't you? Cody wasn't kidding" he chuckled.

"You know my boyfriend?" I asked, crossing my arms in front of me.

"Sweetheart I'm his twin brother of course I know him" he explained laughing. I was taken back by his statement. Was he lying? No he looked just like Cody, except he didn't have the same happiness in his eyes. He also wore really edgy clothes. Ripped jeans and a tight shirt showing off muscles.

"Why wouldn't he tell me he had a twin?" I asked cautiously.

"He wants nothing to do with dad and I" he shrugged. He pushed himself off the locker and looked at me dead in the eyes.

"I'm Brody," he says, putting out his hand. I take it slowly and shake it.

"Fable" I smile.

"Yeah I know who you are, here's my number. I know you have Co dog but if you ever need anything I'm here for you girly. Anything to get back on his good side" he offers me, handing me a small sheet of paper with a number on it.

With that he walked away. Also what just happened! Cody has a brother and didn't tell me?

I couldn't wait for school to end so I could call Cody and yell at him. Joy filled my entire body when I heard the last bell ring.

I practically bolted out of the school and walked to the side. I could wait till I got home. I had to have answers NOW. The phone ran a few times and then he picked up.

"Hey baby" he said. I loved his deep voice. Stop it!! You're mad at him, remember?

"I found something interesting today" I said in that tone where people know they're about to get in trouble.

"And what's that?" He asked shyly.

"My boyfriend has a twin brother named Brody and didn't find that important information to tell me. Interesting isn't it?"

There was a long pause on the phone followed by a sigh.

"Fable baby I'm so sorry" I could hear the remorse in his voice.

"Cody I'm not mad I'm just confused" I said frustrated but happy that he apologized.

"Look Fabe, Brody and my dad are good people and you can trust them I promise. I just don't like to be associated with them because my dad cheated on my mom and my brother knew about it. To me cheating is the worst thing you can do to someone you know?" He asked.

"Yeah, I love you Cody" I said. I understand now why he didn't tell me.

"I'll call you tonight yeah?"

"Of course baby. Bye"

"Bye Fabe'' the phone disconnected. Was Brody really someone I could trust. God I just want to be in Cody's arms right now. This is all too much for me

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