Chapter 9

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When we arrived at school I went straight to my locker. Ive been sitting with Cody on the bus the last couple weeks, because at least I knew him. Nothing is worse than sitting down and someone random trying to start a conversation with you. Luckily Cody didn't try to talk to me. When I got to my locker I saw Simon there waiting for me.

"Hey Fabe," he greeted me with a hug. He was so sweet and nice.

"Sup dude" I said opening my locker and getting my stuff out. I checked my schedule and saw that I had History. I hate that class so much. Me and Mr. Hayes never get along. Luckily I had that class with Simon. My mind wandered and I realized Cody was also in that class. Why do I keep thinking about him? When I finished getting my stuff together Simon and I walked together to class. When we arrive in class we head to the back of the room. Cody was sitting up front taking notes, and Simon was writing stuff down too. I didn't care about my grades. It's not like I'm getting anywhere in life anyways.

"Ms. Adair" Mr. Hayes coughed. I looked up and saw him staring at me. Everyone's heads slowly turned to me.

"Yeah" I said in a dumb tone.

"May I be mistaken, but taking notes in class does improve your grade, and you need that more than anyone. So I'm just confused about why you're not taking notes" he said in that teacher's voice. I laughed at his comment.

"Well Mr. Hayes let me settle your confusion. I don't like this class, you're boring and everyone here is an idiot" I said using a professional voice, even folding my hands to add to the effect. I heard a few snickers from around the room.

"Fable Adair, I excuse you to go to the office" he said glaring at me. I grabbed my bag and smiled at him. "Gladly," I said. I picked up my bag and walked down the row of desks. I made eye contact with Cody. I couldn't tell what emotion was going through his head. Fear or pity? I walked out of the room brushing it off. Like hell I was going to the office. I walked out the front doors and headed towards the football field. I sat on the top of the metal risers and watched as the younger grades practiced on the field. I could feel the tears welling in my eyes. I wouldn't let them fall though. The moment I let a tear slide I wouldn't be strong anymore. So I dried up my eyes and kept watching the football players. I heard someone coming up the risers. I looked over and saw the floppy red haired mess Simon.

"What was that Fable?" he asked me, sitting down.

"What was what?" I knew he was talking about

"Don't play dumb Fabes" he sighed sitting next to me.

"I just told him the truth," I said blankly. Then Simon took my hand and slowly pulled up my sleeve. I flinched but didn't tear away. Simon knew about my dad so I wasn't scared. I saw his face drop when he saw the deep gashes in my arms. He immediately dropped my sleeve and pulled me into a tight hug. He wrapped his big arms around my torso and pulled me closer.

Tears started pouring out of my eyes as I buried myself in his shoulder.

His skin was soft and he smelt like cheap cologne. I wasnt scared of Simon knowing that I was hurting, because he was too kind to ever hurt me.

"Fable, I know you had a hard night but talking to teachers like that is going to make it worse, do you understand this?"

I shook my head still crying. "You also know that I will always be here for you?" I shook my head yes again. He hugged me even tighter and put his head on top of my head. I always got you Adaire, he whispered. Simon was someone I never wanted to lose.

"I have something I want to show you," Simon said, pulling his sketch pad out of his backpack. He flipped through the pages and then stopped at one. This picture was done in colored pencil. There was a girl with brown hair and shiny green eyes. She was crying but her teeth were showing in a smile. Behind her was a fire burning, and she also had very detailed angel wings.

"She's beautiful Si." I sniffled trying to stop crying.

"It's you," he replies. I look at the picture again and I see that the girl is me.

"Oh." I didnt know what to say. He had made me look so beautiful that it didn't look like me.

"You know, I think you would have really liked my sister. She was a badass. Kinda like you" Simon tells me. He talks about his sister like she's still alive.

"I think I would have liked her too." I wish I could have met her. Simon always talks so highly of her. When we were on the phone at night he tells me about how she used to pick on him. How he would do anything to have that back. Simon gave me another long hug and then we walked back into the school.

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