Chapter 7

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I wake up around ten in the morning. The sunlight was fighting with the curtains to come into my room. I yawn and sit up in my twin sized bed. I check my phone on my nightstand. I had two texts one from Simon and another from Cody. I opened Simon's first. Me and him have become really good friends. Which is funny because he's nerdy and quiet and I'm emo and constantly annoyed with everyone. The text from Simon said asked me what color he should do his new painting in, I responded purple, without thinking about it. He probably wouldn't use my suggestion anyways, and I'm okay with that. Hes very passionate about the way he does art. It's quite inspiring actually. Then I opened the text from Cody.

"Hey Fable, do you want to hang today?"

"What's in it for me?"

"I don't know a good time?"

"That doesn't sound fun to me."

"Okay fine I'll buy you ice cream!"

"You have a deal, what time?"


I laughed and set down my phone. I slid out of bed and put on my black shorts and a cute gray top. Then I walked to the bathroom and did a dark Smokey eye and put on bright red lipstick. I grabbed my purse and my phone and went downstairs.

"Where the hell do you think you are going!" My dad screamed at me from the kitchen. I turned around to face him. He had a bottle of vodka in his hand and a hot dog on the other. Ketchup was dripping onto his shirt and it made me want to gag.

"Honestly dad, anywhere to get away from you" I said in a monotone voice.

"Excuse me!" He yelled enraged.

"No excuse me" I said, walking out the front door and slamming it. I could hear him yelling from the other side of the door. You're going to hell brat. Yeah that's obviously the goal dad. I walked down the sidewalk to the blue house. I rang the doorbell once and waited. Eventually the door opened a crack and I saw a piercing blue eye from the other side.

"Are you ready?" Cody asked, stepping outside.

"No, I'm here because I'm not ready," I say sarcastically. I don't want him getting the impression that I like him or enjoy his company. He rolled his eyes and shut the door behind him. His black hair was shiny in the sunlight and it was in its messy form. Actually pretty hot I cant even lie to myself. Why does a hot guy insist on hanging out with me though?

"I can't believe how late you sleep in and how late you go to sleep?" he stayed as we walked towards his car.

"I can't believe you go to bed at ten!" I said laughing. We got to his old white Jeep and got in. We go to Dairy Queen and pull up to the drive thru. He orders a vanilla milkshake while I get a strawberry Sundae. He pulls into the parking lot and we eat our ice cream.

"If you don't mind me asking, last night at dinner you said your mom doesn't live with you why?" Cody asked. I could tell he regretted asking the question as soon as he did. I have really bad trust issues but for some reason I have no problem talking to Cody. He's just so easy to confide in. The only person I've explained my life story to is Simon when we were face timing once. I honestly don't know why I did it either I was just caught in the moment.

"You don't have to answer, I'm sorry I asked" he added quickly.

"No, you fine I just don't talk about it a lot. I don't remember a lot from my mom. She left me and my dad when I was two, I don't know where she is now, I really don't care" I admitted.

"Wow I'm sorry" he said. I hate when people apologize for something they can't stop.

"If you don't mind me asking, where's your dad" I asked him. It's only fair he talks to me since I told him about my mom. When I asked the question he looked down at his ice cream.

"Umm, we all lived in California and then my dad started making bad decisions so him and my mom broke up and my mom got custody of me and Mike, that was about a year ago. Then my mom randomly decides to move to Colorado" he explained. I thought about what he said.

"That's interesting" I said.

"What is?"

"You've been through so much and you seem unaffected. I admit to him. Part of me is jealous of his resilience.

"I mean why would you let something you can't change affect your view on things?" I was about to respond to him but my phone started ringing. I dug it out of my purse and saw that my dad was calling. I sighed and answered it.

"Hello" I said annoyed.

"You need to come home now! I can't get upstairs and it's your fault!" My dad screamed into the speaker.

"Yeah I'm sure it is my fault. I'll be there soon" I hung up the phone.

"I need to go home" I tell Cody quitely. He asks no questions and puts the car in drive.

When I arrive home I see my dad laying at the bottom of the steps. He has a large gash on his forehead and it's bleeding a lot. I don't say anything but I walk over to him and grab his arm. He stands up supporting himself on me and we slowly make our way up the stairs. We get to his room and I tell him to go sit on his bed. He follows instruction while I go get the first aid kit from the bathroom in his bedroom. When I return I carefully treat the wound in his head while he sits there silently. He only acts like this when he's high. Which means he must have bought weed last night and spent all our money. He lays down when I'm done with him and drinks out of the beer can on his nightstand. I put everything away and then go to my own room. I grab my favorite book "InkHeart" off the shelf and sit on my bed and read the rest of the day away.

The wind chill felt good on my face as I walked to the bus stop. I was wearing my black leggings and oversized blue sweatshirt. When I got to the bus stop Cody was already there.

"Good morning Chippy" he said adjusting his backpack on his shoulder. He smiled at me, what's up with the new nickname?

"Yeah" I responded casually. I wasn't sure how I felt about this kid. He got the memo that I didn't want to talk and stopped making conversation. I had a rough night because my dad kept puking from alcohol poisoning. I had to bring him towels and help him clean himself up. One of the times I helped him up he scratched me along my entire forearm. That's why I was wearing a hoodie today, because I didn't want anyone to question me. Its bad living with a drunk, but having people know you do that's even worse.

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