Chapter 11

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"Gladly" she snapped back at the teacher as she left the room. She had just gotten into a fight with Mr. Hayes. She just left, how could she do that? This girl was something else. So intriguing. I watched as her nerdy friend Simon walked up to the front and asked the teacher something. He just nodded his head and Simon left quietly.

He was only gone for a little over half an hour before he came huffing back into the room. His face was red and his hands were at fists besides him. He plopped down at his desk and stared straight ahead. My curiosity got the better of me and I went to sit next to him. We were having work time so no one seemed to care.

"Yo dude" I said to get his attention. He turned his head toward me and his face turned from angry to curious.

"Yes" he asked in a polite tone.

"Did you just run after Fabe?" I asked.

"Yeah, shes going through alot" he responded.

"Look I know that I haven't known her long or you either, but if you don't mind me asking why are you so upset" I pressured for answers. He sighed and looked at me.

"If I tell you, you gotta promise you won't tell her I told you" he sighed silently. I nodded my head aggressively and he began.

"Me and her are really good friends and we hang out a lot. It frustrates me so much that I cant make her feel better and take away her pain" He paused for a moment to take a breath.

"I don't know if you've noticed or not but she doesn't talk about her family, and she never shows any emotion" he said making eye contact with me. I could see the sadness skirt around his eyes, he truly cared about her and it was sad that he couldn't help her. I want to help her, I thought to myself.

How can someone so beautiful and perfect need so much help. From that moment I decided I would be the one to help her.

Finally the school day ended and I was on the bus back home. Fable came back to class but left not even five minutes later. So I assumed she went home early. I got off the bus and walked fast to my house. I opened the door and saw Mike doing his homework and mom in the kitchen cleaning.

"Hey sweetie how was school?" She asked looking up from the dishes.

"It was alright, sup Mikey" I responded. Mike looked up and smiled.

"Is it okay if I go out for a while mom?" I asked. She looked at me and then smiled.

"Of course just make sure you have your phone" then she went back to the dishes. I ran up the stairs into my room. I dropped my bag and changed from my football jersey into a plain black shirt. I looked in the mirror and fixed my black messy hair. Then I grabbed my phone and went back downstairs. Grabbing a few things to pack in my car, I said bye and walked outside. I've never been to her house. Well she's never invited me. I walked up their driveway and up to the door. I took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

After a few awkward moments the door opened and revealed a lady. I thought just her and her dad lived here? I shuffled my feet nervously.

"Umm hi, I'm Cody I live across the street. I was umm wondering if uh if" Hey yourself together boy, I mentally screamed at myself.

"I was wondering if Fable is home" I asked in a chill polite tone. The women looked at me and smiled. She had the same big green eyes as Fable.

"Yes yes come in please" she ushered me in. When I got in I didn't see Fable but the lady was still looking at me.

"Look Cody, Fable's kind of going through a lot right now. I don't know how well you know her but she's been living with her abusive dad here for about thirteen years' ' she straight up told me. Her statement took me by surprise. Suddenly everything made sense. Her long sleeves, her being distant, her trust issues.

"Oh my god" I responded to her.

"Yes but I'm here now and we're making it better. She ran up to her room about an hour ago. Can you please just take her away for the night and return her in the morning" the lady asked. Why was she talking about her like she was an object. She obviously had no respect for her. I nodded my head and went upstairs. I've never been to her house before but the upstairs had three doors. Two were open and they revealed a large bedroom most likely her dads and a small bathroom. I assumed the one that was closed was her door. Why wouldn't she tell me about her dad? Because she doesn't tell you anything Doofus she doesn't even like to talk to you! Good point, why am I here? I snapped back to reality after mentally shutting with myself and knocked on the door. No response. I opened the door slowly and saw her laying on her bed. She had a very cute and clean room. The only problem was that it smelt like a skunk died in here. Was she smoking weed? The worst part is she wasn't smoking for fun because she didn't have any friends around. That meant she was smoking to take care of the edge. I screamed at myself in my head for not coming sooner. I walked over to her bed and woke her up. She mumbled in her sleep which was really cute.

"Can you please get up? I want to take you for food" I said, shaking her to get up. At this she sat up slowly. She rubbed her eyes and pulled down the sleeves of her hoodie. I noticed that this is a habit of hers. I assumed she probably had marks from her dad, she doesn't know that I know about that. Should I tell her? Or wait for her to come to me? Would she come to me?

"Some lady wanted me to just take you for the night" I explained to her. She looked at me with her usual monotone face.

"Yeah, that's my mom," she said sliding out of bed. Wait didn't her mom leave her when she was young? I brushed it off into a side note and decided to ask her about the smell.

"It smells really bad in here, were you smoking?" I asked bravely. She looked at me and didn't say anything. I knew that meant yes. I noticed that her sweatshirt would smell if she didn't wash it. I doubt she would want people to know she smoked, that would cause so many rumors.

"We can stop by my house and get you something to wear that doesn't smell" I stated. She nodded her head and then walked towards the bathroom. I waited outside the door for her and then followed her downstairs. She was holding her head for a second like it hurt. I just wanted to tell her to lean on me and close her eyes. Of course I didn't. The walk to my house was silent, and there was no expression on her face. When we got into my house and she saw Mike she put a smile on her face I could tell it was forced but I wasn't going to say anything. They all greeted each other and then we went upstairs. I watched her look around my room. I haven't unpacked anything so there was just a bed, dresser, and a desk.

"Would you like a shirt or-" I start asking but she cuts me off.

"Something with long sleeves" she pauses thinking "I get cold easily" she lied. I know she was trying to hide something on her arms. I shuffle through my closet and pull out my plain black hoodie. I noticed she wears a lot of black which means she likes it. I hand it to her and she smiles. She walks out of my room to the bathroom and comes back a few minutes later. Instead of her blue hoodie she's wearing my black one and damn does she look good. She shyly looks at me and I smile.

"Are you ready, Chippy" I ask her.

"Yeah I just want to put my hoodie in my house really quick" she said still with no emotion. I nod my head at her and we walk out of the house. She doesn't go in her house, she just sets her hoodie on the side of the house and comes back to meet me. I don't drive that often because I can't pay for gas. Due to the fact that I haven't gotten a job yet. This was a special occasion though. When she comes back I dangle the keys.

"What are those?"

"These are silly car keys" I joke around with her. She rolls her eyes but I see a smile pulling at her lips. We get into my white Jeep and head down the road. The car ride was silent as she looked out the window.

"How was your day?" I asked, pulling into the park. She looked at where we were and seemed confused.

"I thought you were giving me food" she whined. I chuckled and looked at her. She was faking a hurt expression on her face like I've committed the worst crime.

"I brought some with us" I responded. I reached over to the backseat and grabbed the picnic basket that I had put a blanket and food in earlier. She looked so surprised it was priceless. I got out and ran over to her side of the door opening it for her, she looked at me and for a second I saw a small smile but then it was gone in a flash. I saw it though it was there.

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