Chapter 17 (Cody's pov)

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When we got into the school she headed towards her locker and me to mine. It was only when I heard the halls go quite that I knew something was up. I looked around and saw everyone huddled around Fabes locker. Again? Why does everyone have to pick on her, she literally doesn't do anything to them. I pushed my way through the crowd just in time to see Michelle throw her drink onto Fable. The coffee dropped down her sweatshirt. She looked like she was about to kill Michelle so I pushed everyone out of the way and softly grabbed her arm.

"Awe loverboy to the rescue" Michelle snarled. I glared at her and then led Fable to my locker. She still had a hard look in her eyes like she was about to strangle someone. She really didn't need this today. She doesn't need this any day. I lifted her chin up with my fingers so I could see her. Her beautiful forestry eyes softened when she looked at me. I opened my locker and grabbed out my emergency sweatshirt. It was white cloth and had the word "beast" written in small black letters on the front. I handed it to her and she looked at me grateful, then she ran off to the bathroom to go change. I can't wait for summer. I can't wait for her to kiss me again. I feel like I need to protect her. Especially because she is getting this hate because of me.

The bell rang so I headed to class. I sit in the back of the classroom and look at my phone. I only look up when there is a hand planted on my desk. I look up to see blonde curled hair.

"What do you want Michelle?" I said annoyed. She continued to look at me and then smiled. Her pearly straight white teeth. She would be pretty if her personality wasn't so ugly.

"Hey baby, I just wanted to see how you are" she speaks innocently. A crooked smile plays on her lips.

"Don't call me baby. I have a girlfriend. Actually just don't talk to me" I responded coldly and then looked back at my phone. She looks shocked by my response. Out of the corner of my eye I see her stomp away. What a hoe.

Why cant people respect when other people are happy? It makes me cringe just thinking about people like her. Fable and I have been dating almost a month now and everyone that was obsessed with me knew about it.

By the time English class comes Fable seems like she has calmed down. I hug her before we walk into class. She looked pretty damn hot wearing my hoodie. We went through the class and she paid attention. I just watched her the whole time. Every move she made was beautiful to me. She was nothing like the girls in California.

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