Chapter 20

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What's taking Cody so long? He said he was grabbing us drinks and coming back. I walked to the kitchen in a daze. I might be a little bit drunk. I'm at the doorway of the kitchen about to go in when I pause. I see my Cody making out with nasty Michelle. Suddenly I'm sober. I glare at both of them and then run out of the room.

I lock myself in Codys and Is bedroom and call Simon.

"Hollo" Simon picks up in a sleepy tone.

"Hey Si, I know it's late but can you come get me?" I asked. Hopefully he would say yes.

"Anything for you princess" he grumbled and I could hear him shuffling to get out of bed.

"Thank you so much, I'll text you the address" I say and hang up. Now I just had to wait for him.

I decided to stay in the room because I didnt know where else to go. Cody started banging on the door but I put in my ear buds. I was not about to listen to him right now. Tears ran down my face as I waited for Simon to pick me up. Cody eventually gave up and left the door. Maybe to go find Michelle again. It hurt my heart more than anything ever has before. This is why I have never dated before. To avoid my heart getting hurt. Music was getting louder down stairs, and I could feel how drunk I was. I was dizzy, but I wasn't going to puke. I walked into the bathroom that was connected to the room and drank some water out of the sink. I really needed to get some food in me, but I wasnt going to risk going downstairs.

About an hour and a half later Simon texted me that he was at the end of the driveway waiting. I walk crooked the entire way to his blue Chevy truck. I put my stuff in the backseat and then slid into the front. Simon looked like he had just crawled out of bed. His thick red hair was a mess and his black glasses looked a little sideways. Is it weird that I think he's hot right now? I catch up on what happened as we drive back to my house.

What hurts the most is that I really trusted him. Im so tired of trusting people just to get hurt. Why does this always happen to me? I really try to be a good person, but I feel like I get nothing in return for it!

"I'm sorry Fabe" he said when I finished telling him the story. He sighs and keeps driving.

"What" I ask him, he's obviously thinking about something.

"If I tell you I'm afraid you won't think the same," he says. His knuckles run white as he grips the steering wheel.

"Please tell me" I beg. I hate when people keep things from me. He sighs again and then pulls over to the side of the road. We were in the middle of nowhere, but right now I didn't care. He looks at me with his pale green eyes.

"Ever since I met you in art class Fable, I've really liked you" he admits. At that moment I don't know what took over me. My actions were uncalled for as I leaned in and kissed Simon Reman. He kissed me back as well. His lips fit on mine. They werent Codys and I was aware of that the entire time. Part of me wanted them to be. I also know that Cody and I are over. If Simon was willing to drive in the middle of the night to get me. He obviously cares about me right? I think I like Simon back, but my emotions are all over the place right now.

I held his hand the whole drive and I didn't feel shame or guilt. Cody has already cheated on me earlier that night, that meant we were done. So me kissing Simon wasn't wrong, in fact it all felt right. He was my best friend and I feel like this happened for a reason. Simon keeps driving me to my house.

I dont want to go home yet I tell Simon as we get back into town. He smiles at my comment. Not bothered by how late it is. He pulls into a breakfast place that's open all night.

Are you hungry he asks, smiling.

Im starving, I responded, getting out of the truck. We walk into the dinner, and sit down. It has a cute rustic vibe. The waitress had cute brown hair and was older. She took our order and then went to the back room. Simon looked at me and laughed.

What I say giggling.

Nothing, Its just I got to kiss the prettiest girl I know tonight He says blushing. I blush too, and I cant stop it. The women come out with our food and then we eat. I feel a lot less drunk after I eat my pancakes.

I have some pain killers in my truck if you want some Simon offers downing some orange juice. We were still thirty minutes from home so I took him up on the offer. We hold hands as we drive home, and it puts a smile on my face.

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