Chapter 28

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When I woke up I cried. For a long time, I stayed in my room for hours. I wasn't hungry, and I didn't need a shower. I didn't go to school either.

There was a small knock on my door, to which I just grunted. My mom entered the room. Great, my favorite person that I just really enjoy spending time with. If you didn't catch the sarcasm it was there.

"Hello Baby Girl" she said sitting on the edge of my bed. Really, who do you think you are?

"Don't call me that" I mumbled from the pillow. I could hear her sigh and adjust herself on the bed.

"I wanted to talk to you. Are you up for a chat" she asks with a fake happy voice. I don't answer her, she's going to try to talk to me no matter what I say anyways. She takes my silence as a go ahead to keep talking.

"I know your dads gone, which means you can't stay here alone. You're coming with me back to California" she said. Does she live in California? Why didn't I know that? She's only been here about a month, so I just assumed she didn't live anywhere else.

I start laughing at her statement.

"I don't want to go with you anywhere," I said, sounding as venomous as possible. She looked up with an annoyed expression.

"Oh dear, you don't have a choice we leave in two days" she spat. Then she stomped out of the room.

I started crying again. Why was life being more mean to me then usual? I didn't want to be alone so I got out of bed. I was wearing booty shorts and a tank top so I grabbed Cody's black hoodie and put it on. Then I slipped on my unicorn slippers and walked out of the house and into Cody's. I didn't even knock when I arrived. This was practically my second home.

When I walked in I saw Michelle and Mike in the living room. They turned their heads when they saw me. Michelle automatically stood up and walked over to me engulfing me in a hug.

"Where's Co?" I asked her trying so hard not to cry.

"He knew you wouldn't go to school today so he stayed home, he was going to come over once he knew you were awake, but I guess you came here, so he's in his room" she said smiling. I nodded and walked up the stairs. When I got to Cody's door I didn't hesitate and walked right in.

He was sitting on his bed shirtless. He was reading a book and he looked really hot. When he heard his door open he looked up. His black hair was disheveled and his blue eyes filled with fire. He smiled when he saw me. I walked to the bed, and he scooted over to make room for me. Then I laid down next to him, so I was facing his chest. He didn't say anything but he kissed my head and kept reading. I looked up at his book and saw he was reading Jane Austin's Pride and Prejudice. This boy is just full of surprises. I don't know how long I laid there but I ended up falling asleep when he put the blanket over us.

I woke up what I assumed was probably an hour later. Cody was still reading and I was still in his arms. I took a moment to just enjoy how nice it felt to have him next to me.

"My mom is making me move to California" I whispered. He jumped a little at my sudden noise. Then I saw his face when he registered what I had just said. His face fell and he looked at me. Cody set down the book and pulled me closer to him.

"It will be a good new start," he said trying to encourage me.

"She said I'm going to Leiden high school" I mumbled. I felt Cody's body stiffen.

"What's wrong?" I asked. I felt him take a sharp breath of air and then look down at me.

"Nothing, that's the high school I went to when I lived in California last year" he said. What a coincidence.

"I don't want to go," I say, fighting back tears.

"Baby I don't want you to go either but it's for the best" he says, still holding me. I finally let the tears fall. I sob into Cody's shirt while he holds me. Cody is the best thing that ever happened to me.

After a while I went back home and started packing. I was not looking forward to this one bit. I fed Theo my chipmunk after packing all my clothes. He purred and leaned into my finger. He was so cute. His legs were completely healed now. I also cuddle with him a lot. In California he will be my reminder of Cody

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