Chapter 27 (Cody's pov)

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Fable stated out of the window of the car. She didn't look sad which was surprising. I would be balling my eyes out if someone had told me that my mom has passed. Her hand was shaking on the console. I grabbed it and interlaced my fingers with hers. I don't even think she noticed.

I wonder what she's thinking about right now. Her father? The way he abused her? Or when he was nice?

When we pulled up to her house she stepped out of the car. I started following her across the drive when she suddenly stopped.

"Baby" I asked concerned. She then ran to the bush next to the house and started puking. I ran over and held her hair.

"Oh baby, let's get you inside" I demanded. She grabbed onto my torso and started walking. When we got inside I saw her mom sitting at the dining room table. She looked at us when we walked in. Then she saw Fable glare at her and she backed down. Going back to her magazine.

We slowly walked up the stairs. That was until Fable felt the puke again and started sprinting towards the bathroom. When I got there the bathroom door was shut. I knocked and tried to turn the handle but it was locked. I could hear her inside, emptying her stomach.

"Fable honey you have to let me in so I can make you feel better" I begged. It was quiet for a few moments then I heard a click.

I opened the door slowly and saw Fable leaning against the bathtub. Her already pale skin looked ghostly white, and her hair was pulled into a really messy knot. She did not look like she felt good.

"What do you need?" I asked, trying to sound as soothing as possible.

"Water please" she said so quietly that I could barely hear her. I nodded and got up quickly, happy to help. I stomped down the stairs into the kitchen. I searched all the cabinets before finally finding one with cups in it. I could feel Fables moms Jennifer eyes on me. I ignored her as I filled the glass with ice and water and ran back upstairs.

Fable was in the same place I left her. I handed her the glass of water and she took a slow sip.

About thirty minutes later she said she felt good enough to go to her room. I picked her up bridal style and set her on her bed. She crawled under the covers and just laid there. It looked like she was numb. I didnt know what to do so I sat next to her. I stroked her hair until I knew she was asleep. Then I left her house and walked into my own. My mom was sitting on the couch. I told her everything that had happened and I watched as she cried for Fable.

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