Chapter 19 (Cody's pov)

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We've been in the waiting room for about an hour now. Which is fine I really don't mind. I have the craziest girlfriend. She's the only person I know that would save a chipmunk. We hold hands as we wait for the creature to come out of surgery. He had two broken legs, and were not really sure from what. For a wild animal he seemed to really like us.

Finally the nurse came out holding a small blue blanket and wrapped inside was the small chipmunk.

"Are you Fable?" she asks as she walks our way.

"Yes" Fabe says with a huge smile on her face. The nurse hands her the blanket and smiles.

"He's going to be okay, but you have to give him these medicines" she says as she hands me the bag.

"Also if you don't mind me asking, does he have a name?" she says still grinning. Fable looks at me for a second and smiles. She then turns her head back to the nurse and responds.

"His name is Theo," she says. Did she really name her chipmunk after a kids animated movie? Yes she did, that's Fable for you.

When the doctors told us that the chipmunk was going to live she lit up like the sky on the fourth of July.

When we leave the clinic we get back in the car. While we were waiting we had run to Walmart to get some pet stuff for the little guy. Fable claimed that she really really really wanted to keep it. Who am I to say no to the princess?

We bought him a cage and a bunch of small toys. She also did extensive research on her phone about what type of food was going to be best for him. I think a small part of her knows that she hasn't been taking care of herself, so she puts a lot of effort into taking care of other things. Even when shes with me she will constantly ask if i'm hungry, or if she's laying on my she makes sure I'm comfy too. Shes always putting other things before herself. She puts him in his cage and we head back to the party.

The party started an hour ago. People were drunk and stoned. It was really funny to watch really. I watched as people danced in the living room and made out in the hallway. I told Fable I would grab some drinks from the kitchen and meet her back at the dance floor. I grabbed two beers out of the fridge and shut the door. When I turned around I almost screamed like a girl. Michelle was standing right behind me.

"Uh excuse me" I said trying to get around her. She stepped in my way.

"I know you don't like her Cody poo, you don't have to lie to me" she said trying to sound seductive. I hate this girl so much.

"Actually I'm in love with her, so if you could move out of my way" I growled starting to get pissed off.

Oh please. Youre so hot with your perfect jawline, and messy black hair. Someone like you belongs with someone like me Suddenly she grabbed my shoulders and pulled me down. She pressed her gloss covered lips against mine and started kissing me. I tried to push her away but this girl is stronger than she looks. I eventually get her off of me... just in time to see Fable glare at me and then run out of the room.

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