Chapter 15 (Cody's pov)

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I push the buttons on the controller fast so I can beat Mike. He may be younger than me but he definitely plays more video games than I do. He's faster than me, but I'm smarter. We're in the middle of a battle when suddenly Fabe wraps her arm around my stomach and lays on my side. I paused for a moment on accident, because it surprised me. I smile at her, I love this girl so much. I give her a kiss on her forehead and focus back on the game. I basically go in auto pilot because my thoughts are kinda a-lot right now. Fable makes me feel something different than the girls back in California. I know she's not after me for my body, and I'm not after hers either. Ever since I got enough confidence to ask her out her attitude has changed. She smiles all the time, and they are real smiles not fake ones. She laughs when I do something embarrassing or stupid. More importantly she doesn't run away from me anymore. We spend a lot of time together, we sit on my bed and just talk for hours. She tells me all her feelings and I tell her all of mine. I found myself a girl with many personalities, she's smart and funny. She's also silly and caring. Right now I feel like the luckiest guy alive.

I snapped out of my daze and realized that Mike won. Great, I'll never hear the end of that. My little brother bounces off the couch and runs up the stairs. I set down the playstation controller and looked down at Fable. She looked back up at me with her beautiful green eyes. I turn my body so that one of my feet is on the couch but she's still laying on me. She smiled up at me, god she's beautiful. I used my hand to push the hair out of her face, and watched as her face glowed red. I pressed my lips against her soft skin on her forehead. Then moved down to her nose and eventually her lips. She kissed me back right away. Kissing her had really become a hobby of mine, it makes me feel so warm inside. She pulled away and looked at me.

"I have to go home," she whispered. I made her finally agree to talk to her parents today. She can't run away from them forever. She had been sleeping in my room for over a week, and Im tired of sleeping on the couch. Mom wont let us sleep in the same room together. I nodded my head against hers in agreement. She sighed and got up, I didn't want her to go, but I knew she needed to.

She got up and started to walk to the door. She turned around and smiled at me before leaving. I sat on the couch for a minute. It was hard to help someone who didnt want to be helped. Im happy she finally accepted it to herself that she needed someone.

I know that Fable has a lot of anxiety right now, but so do I. As soon as she walks out the door I let out some breaths. I run through all the possibilities in my head. What if she comes back crying? What flavor ice cream do I get her? I walk upstairs to my room. I need something else to think about.

I pick up my phone and call Brody. Right now I really just want my brother. It rings a few times but he answers.

"Hey Cody" Brody says. He sounds happy.

"Hey Brody, how are you?" I respond pulling the phone closer to my ear.

"I'm good. Dads good too. How is everyone in Colorado? Are you freezing your ass off yet?" He laughs. Him and I have the same laugh and its nice to hear it again.

"Everyone is good. Mom is getting better. She doesn't cry anymore. Mikey has a lot of friends. I even got myself a girlfriend" I say laughing nervously.

"My twin got a girlfriend?! I'm not shocked. Tell me about her" Brody says genuinely interested.

"Well her name is Fable. She's so beautiful I'll send you a picture. She has a lot of home issues, but she trusts me. She makes me really happy" I say smiling through the phone.

"You're such a lover boy" Brody laughs.

"I'm assuming you dont have any love interests" I laugh at my brother already knowing the answer.

"No, but I banged this chick last fri-" Brody says but I cut him off.

"Ew, enough of that" I responded laughing heavily.

"Haha, well it was nice talking to you brother. Call more often. I got to go though Dad is calling me" he says. The mood dropping as soon as dad was mentioned.

"Okay Bye Brody."

I hang up the phone. Im really glad I got to talk to him. He may do really bad things. He is still my other half though. I go through the pictures on my phone. I find my favorite picture of Brody and I smiling on the beach. We look exactly alike. The only thing different about our faces is he has a scar on his lips. We have the same sharp jawline and black hair. I wish he could have come to Colorado with us.

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