Chapter 2 (Cody's pov)

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Chapter 2

I did not feel welcome. I managed to piss off that girl, and I don't even know how. Was me existing just too much for her to handle? She said her name was Fable, she wore shorts and a plain black shirt. She was very beautiful, if she hadn't walked away maybe I would be able to admire her more.

I missed the first day of school, but we were just moving in later that day. Driving from California was not an ideal way to spend my summer. I tried to stay positive though for my little brother. He's too young to understand a lot of what was going on. Every time I look at him he's smiling and laughing. I wish it still came that easy to me.

I miss California a lot, but I understand why we had to leave. Sometimes I just wish things could go back to how they were; when I was younger. I remember living in a happy family that would celebrate holidays, go on walks, we even had a dog. A black and white husky named Cherry. A birthday present for my brother and I when we were four.

I can't complain much though. I know it could be worse and I have a mom and brother that love me. That morning the bus pulled around the corner and came to a stop. Fable walked briskly to the door as soon as they opened and headed straight for the back. Practically stomping her way over there. I decided to sit in the third row. Maybe keeping my distance was the safe way to go. She was really intriguing. If I have learned anything in my life it's that everyone acts a certain way for a reason. I wanted to know what her reason was. Fable seemed edgy and minded her own business. The ride to school was only about twenty minutes so I just busied myself on my phone.

The kids at school were really nice, I met a few of the football players I was trying out with. They all seemed really chill; everyone I had met. Except for Fable, it turns out we had writing and math together. She just sat at the back of the classroom and ignored everyone. When the teacher asked her a question she would give a short response. Her answers in writing were very detailed though. When I looked at her I would smile, in hope that she would lay back a little. She would just roll her eyes at me. Her eyes were green, but they had a grey tint to them. She was beautiful, there was no doubt. I just wanted to know what made her so hostile towards me. Watching her through the day made it seem like she was like that with everyone. So it made me feel a little better that I wasn't the only one she hated for no reason. What was her deal? It made me want to stay away from her, but I also wanted to find out more. A dangerous game I was playing, but I think it could be worth it.

When I got home later that day I went straight to my room. My mother and brother were not home yet, so I had some quiet time. I decided to call my father, I haven't spoken to him since the day we left California. The phone rang a few times before a deep voice answered.

"Hello Cody".

"Hey Dad I was-" As soon as I started talking I was cut off.

"Now's not a good time son, I will call you back later." With that he hung up and I knew he wasn't going to call back. I was trying to distance myself from my father anyways, considering the bad things he does. A part of him still wants him to pay attention to me though, he is my father.

I remember the day I walked into the warehouse. My dad was standing over the man. I didnt know who he was, but I knew he was in trouble. I watched as my dad had pointed the shiny silver metal to the man's head. Whispering words to him I couldn't hear. My father pulled the trigger and the man's blood splattered on his face. I screamed. I didn't mean to, the noise just came out of my mouth. My Dad looked at me. The look in his eyes is something I could never forget. He was emotionless. His blue eyes were filled with nothing. The same blue eyes I have, but in the moment he looked like the devil. My dad stared at me for seconds, maybe minutes.

"Cody. Its time you learned the family business" He said putting his gun back into his jacket. My body was washed over with fear. I turned around to run, but ran straight into my brother. Brody had that same look in his eyes that my father had. He had known about my dad for only God knows how long.

My twin and I looked exactly alike. Seeing him be unphased by the dead man in the room was more heartbreaking than knowing my father was a killer. I remember running past Brody all the way home. I cried to my mother about what I had seen. She cried in my arms for hours. We never called the cops. I know my mother wouldnt do that. She did love my dad. I think she still does. The next day we packed our bags, and Mikey. Then we left California. Leaving my father and my other half behind.

My mom and brother got home thirty minutes after the phone call. Mikey, my little brother came running through my bedroom door.

"Cody" he screamed, giving me a hug. He was only seven, and possibly the happiest thing in my life. We sat on my bed for a long time talking about his day. Apparently all his new classmates were really cool, and much nicer than the few in California. The way he talked about the world was so pure, and calming. He wasn't aware of the bad sins that poison our world.

He was sad on the drive away from California. He didnt understand why we had to leave his Dad and older brother. Mom and I decided not to tell him until he was old enough to make his own decisions about the topic. How do you even tell your little brother his dad is a killer?

Mikey eventually left my room to go talk to mom. The three of us were very close which was nice. I was happy to hear Mike had good classmates. I wish all my classmates had been nice to me. I look across the street to Fables house. I want to know about Fable even if its the last thing I do.

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