Chapter 25

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Currently I'm the happiest I've ever been. I'm sitting on top of Cody while we hang out in his room. We don't do anything other than kiss, but nothing further because he knows I'm not comfortable with that. I stop kissing him and sit up. I put my hands on his chest and studied his face. His perfect black hair, and his crisp jawline. How am I this lucky? Everything was completely happy until he spits out insane words.

"I want to meet your dad" he looks into my eyes. I look at him, unable to say anything. I raise my eyebrows in question.

"I know it sounds crazy, but I'm your boyfriend and I really think your dad should know me" he continued. I get off of his stomach and sit next to him. Cody sits up and looks at me.

"What do you think?" he smirks.

"I think you're insane" I say with a calm tone. He grabs my hand and looks at me.

"I love you so much baby, but I really think this needs to happen" he says in his soothing voice.

"You can't mention the abuse" I demand, my voice cracking. His eyes fill with sadness when I mention it.

"I know I wasn't going to," he says, pulling me onto him. While he sits with his legs crossed and Im on top of him. I'm put my forehead in his shoulder and whisper,

"If that's what you want then."

He pulls me away from him and smiles. Then he stands up and gets dressed in jeans instead of sweatpants. He then disappeared into the bathroom and cane back a few moments later with his styled hair. I get off the bed and we walk outside.

He interlaces our fingers as we walk across the blacktop. I could practically hear my heart beating in my head. We walk inside of my house and pause.

"I really don't want to do this" I whisper, so no one can hear us.

"Please" he says. Instead of answering I grab his hand again and walk to the living room. My dad is sitting there watching a game show. He's wearing nice jeans and a cute button up shirt.

"Uh Dad" I say coughing to get his attention. He spins his head towards me. His face is emotionless of course it is. He doesn't care that I'm here right now. He looks like he's about to scream and then he sees Cody. He plasters on a fake smile. Yeah, of course he doesn't hurt me in front of people right?

"Hello Darling" he says, I almost cringe at his greeting.

"Dad, this is my boyfriend. Uh he wanted to meet you" I say more like a question then a statement. Dad looks surprised, probably because I don't let him know anything about my life. Plus this is probably one of the biggest things in it. Cody steps forward reaching out his hand. Dad takes it and stares sternly at him.

"Hello Mr. Adair, I'm Cody White" he greets. He's so cute when he sounds all formal.

"Cody" he grunts.

After a few minutes they start having an actual conversation about football. I think it's safe for me to sit down now. I'm still pretty uncomfortable being around my dad, but I know Cody's here and he would protect me.

I hear them laughing and talk about guy stuff that I don't understand. I wasn't listening until I heard the question.

"So why do you like my daughter?" At this I peeked up and looked at Cody. He looked back at me and smiled. Without breaking my eye contact he responded.

"Because she is the strongest, prettiest, most loving woman I know. If I didn't have her I don't think I would have anything" he says. My heart practically melts right there. My dad looks at him with an annoyed look. Almost like he's just bored with the situation, or maybe he's just bored pretending to like me.

"I think we should go," I say standing up. Cody looks confused so I give him a stern look. He catches on and stands up. Putting out his hand again.

"It was nice to meet you," he says. He doesn't get a response so we leave the living room and go towards the front door. We were almost out until I heard the monster.

"Fable! Oh, this is your boyfriend?" mom said practically squealing. I swear she's more of a teenage girl then me. Cody looks at me and smiles. As if he's won. He turns around and faces my mom coming down the stairs.

"Hi I'm Cody" he states. Mom literally looks him up and down.

"Oh Cody dear, why would you choose Fable, you're handsome enough for much prettier girls" she says putting a hand on his shoulder. Is my mom flirting with my boyfriend? At her comment I see Cody's eyes darken with disgust.

"If anything she's too pretty for me" then he grabs her hand and flings it off of him. With that he turns around and stomps out the door.

I glare at my mom and then follow him. I met him outside. He's running his hands through his hair and pacing around the driveway. When he sees me he walks over and practically suffocates me in a hug.

"You don't get the love you deserve here" he whispers into my ear. I don't know why, but at that moment I broke down. None of this was new to me, I'm used to all of it. Having Cody here with me, saying that out loud to me. I couldn't keep it inside. I cried into his shirt and he held me tighter.

"I'm going to love you so much that it will make up for all of the love you never had" he says. Still holding me. His promise just makes me sob harder into his shirt. After a few moments he pulls away and uses his thumbs to wipe away my tears.

"Let's go get ice cream. Yeah?" He offers. I nod my head and sniffle and we walk to his car. I'm so in love with Cody White.

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