Chapter 18

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After the conversation I just had with Cody I can't help but let out a small giggle. I'm in my room smiling to myself. It's Friday afternoon and my boyfriend has just told me some news. He said that this weekend we're going to a party! Which usually wouldn't be my thing, but since I'll be with Cody I don't care. It is not a huge party, just a lot of guys from the football team and their girlfriends. What makes it even more exciting is that it's in the mountains! Apparently the quarterback Luke Mint has rich parents, so they are throwing the party there. We were all invited to spend two nights with them, and honestly I'm losing my mind in excitement. I grab my black duffle bag from the closet and start throwing all my clothes in it. I hear a knock at my door and stop. If it's my parents I'll slam the door, if it's not... I probably won't.

I open the door a crack and see an ocean of blue eyes looking back at me. I opened the door further and let him in. As he walked in I closed the door and locked it behind me. Just a habit of locking it I guess. When he turned around to face me I stood on my toes and kissed him. He smiled against my lips and then put his large hands on my hips. Making the kiss passionate and loving. He pulls away and smiles at me. I know he likes it when I kiss him, so I try to do it a lot. I want nothing more in the world than for my baby to be happy. Plus, I dont hate doing it myself, because kissing him is pretty amazing.

"Are you all packed?" he asks me. We were leaving tonight so I didn't have much time to plan ahead. I shook my head as I threw my hair brush and makeup bag into the pile. Then I zipped it up and slipped in my low top converse. Before I could stop him Cody grabbed my bag and walked out the door. He did this thing where he was a gentleman sometimes. It always threw me off guard and took me by surprise. I gave myself a goofy grin before following him down the stairs and out the door.

We crawl into his Jeep and start the drive. It was about a two hour drive, but honestly I was looking forward to every second of it. I get to spend this time with Cody, and every second I spend with him is my new favorite second.

Our drive is pleasantly spent with dumb conversations and a lot of hand holding. A couple of stolen kisses and a lot of stories. When we finally get into the small town my legs feel like jello. Outside is a small clinic, fire station, Walmart, and veterinary clinic. That was it for this road, there were also houses scattered around. Due to the high altitude I found it as a shock when we stepped outside to get gas. I took in a deep breath of the fresh mountain air. We climb back inside and drive for another ten minutes before arriving at the cabin. We pull into the driveway and park the car. Cody grabs all our bags and then we head inside. There were already about twenty people here. Not too crazy yet, just wait until the alcohol gets involved. Cody disappears upstairs to put down our luggage and it gives me time to explore. I head out the backyard, and to say it was beautiful would be an understatement. There were flowers, and water fountains. Tall, rich green trees and even some with fruit on them. I walk down the cobblestone path and let my fingers slide in the bush to my right. I stop slowly when I see something on the path ahead of me. It is small and brown. It's back legs are spread apart and it seems like it can't breathe. I slowly bend over and walk towards it. It's a small chipmunk with light brown fur and adorable white stripes. It's really chubby and honestly the cutest thing in the world. When I put my hands in front of it, it looks up and chirps. He uses his front paws to push his way into my hands. His back legs are definitely broken. I'm very careful when I pick him up, softly petting his head with my thumb. I turn around to see Cody coming from the back door. He grins and then walks over to me. He looks uncertain when he sees the chipmunk in my hands. He looks at me and then starts to laugh.

"I leave you for five minutes and now your Snow White?"

"Baby, I know it's weird but do you think we can go to the vet?" I ask him hopefully. He looked at me and kept smiling. God I love his smile.

"Of course baby" he says and then leads me back through the house. He says hi to some of his football friends and then we're back in the car. We drive back to town and pull into the small veterinary clinic. I'm still holding the small creature in my hand when we walk inside. The lady at the desk greets us with a smile.

"Hello, welcome to Happy Paws Clinic, can I help you?" she says rehearsed. We walk over to her and greet her.

"My girlfriend found this chipmunk and it seems to be hurt" Cody says. The way he says "girlfriend" makes it sound like gold dripping off his tongue. Its cute how he would drive me back to the clinic to help the small animal. I know he will probably get put down. I just hate seeing things in pain.

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