Chapter 26

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"Freak!" Michelle screams at me. I chuckle as I turn away from my locker to look at her. Her lip gloss looks like chapstick melted in a hot car.

"Good morning Michelle" I say politely. I earned a few snickers from the crowd that has formed around us. She sneers at me.

"How many times do I have to tell you to back off from my man!" She screeches. She honestly sounds like a cat puking.

"Cody you mean? My boyfriend" I ask. People gasp around us. People knew Cody was very popular. That's the first time I exposed our relationship. As Michelle glared a hole into my head, I tried to keep myself together.

"He deserves better," she said in a poisoning tone. Then she flipped her hair and walked away. Her heels clicking all the way down the hallway.

I couldn't hold it together anymore. I ran as fast as my legs would carry me. I ran into an empty class room and let it out. Sliding down the wall I put my hands on my face. What do I do wrong? I heard the door open, so I slid further into the shadows.

"Fabe baby I know you're in here" Cody spoke up.

"I'm over here" I squeaked. I heard the door close and soft footsteps towards me. Cody kneeled down and faced me. I looked away so he wouldn't see the tears on my face.

He put his fingers on my chin and tilted my face towards him. I looked at him in the eye and tried to stop my crying.

"What is it?" he asked in a soothing tone.

"I don't deserve you" I admit to him. He has peer shock written all over his face.

"Baby no I don't deserve you" he whispers leaning in.

I feel the small pressure of his lips on mine, and it slowly develop's into a bigger kiss. We were interrupted by the sound of the intercom.

"Fable Adair please report to the office" the grumpy lady on the speaker said. I looked at Cody confused, and he has the same look. He stands up and grabs my hand. We walk holding hands to the front of the school.

When the two of us walked into the office all the staff looked up. They all had a look of pity in their eyes. What happened?

"Fable Adair?" A short lady with bleached blonde hair asked. She was short and had small wrinkles on her face.


"Come with me please," she said, turning around and walking further into the office. I gave Cody a worried look and we both followed her. She spun into an office so we walked in after her. She looked at Cody like she was going to tell him to get out. Then she saw our hands and changed her mind.

"Please take a seat Mrs. Adair" she gestured to the two black chairs on the other side of her desk. I never let go of Cody's hand as I sat down.

"What I'm about to say may come as a big shock to you," she started. Cody's hand tightened around mine.

"This morning your dad was found dead." She stated. My heart stopped. A tear slid down my cheek and I could feel Cody staring at me. He grabs my other hand and turns back to the lady.

"How" he asked. His voice was full of sorrow and pity. I hated it so much.

"He was hit by a drunk driver on his way to the mechanic shop." She sighed.

"Fable" Cody said my name. I turned my head towards him. I wasn't crying, and I wasn't screaming. I didn't know what to do. My stomach felt empty, but it was also churning inside of me.

"Fable, I know this is a big thing. Here at this school we do offer counseling and anything else to make sure you are safe" the lady says with an automated voice. I shake my head and stand up. Cody is quick on his feet to follow me.

"Take me home" I whisper reaching for his hand again. He grabs it and we walk out. I could feel the eyes on me as we walked through the office staff desks. My entire body was shaking as we got into Cody's truck. We stopped taking the bus a few weeks ago because Cody fixes his Jeep completely.

I didn't say anything the whole way home.

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