Chapter 30

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There's a lot of bad things in this world. Such as murder, wearing socks to bed, and celery. One thing tops it all though. Alarm clocks. Yes, the deafening sound of repetitive beeping. Taking you out from your peaceful slumber and into the real world. Alarm clocks I like to believe we're made by someone truly evil, that had no soul.

Anyways, when I woke up to the alarm clock I wanted to scream. The bed was soft and plush. The thick purple comforter was so warm and cozy. When things were going well of course I had to wake up. I reached my arm over and slapped the clock. It read six in the morning.

Today I had to go to school. Was I excited you ask? Not really. I'm ready for it though. I walked to the closet wearing what I had unpacked some of my clothes the night before. I chose my black skinny jeans with holes and a white tank top. Using my makeup on my arm to cover up scars. I put in my six ear piercings as well. Then I put on my Smokey eye look and slipped on my shoes.

Next to the door I found a plain white backpack that had notebooks and pencils. That's super convenient. I slung the bag over my shoulder and walked downstairs towards the kitchen.

When I entered I saw Greg and Annabeth. Anna was sitting in one of the seats attached to the island while Greg was making pancakes over the stove.

"Good morning" I said to make my presence known. Greg turned around to see me.

"Great morning" he responded. I chuckled.

"Morning Fabe" Annabeth said smiling. Then she turned back around and stared at the pancakes begging them to be done.

I was told that the bus comes at six forty five and right now it was ten till. In interest of saving time I grabbed a fresh plump red apple and walked out. I walked outside of the mansion. The air was crisp and sweet. The end of the driveway seemed so far away, but not that bad because there were a lot of pretty flower boxes to look at.

When I eventually made it to the end I saw the bus turning around the corner. When it stopped and the doors swiftly opened I made my way inside. I could feel eyes on me as I made my way to an empty seat. When I eventually sat down they took their attention off of me and back to themselves.

I think I was one of the last stops because it was only about ten minutes before we pulled up to a large building. It was painted on the outside fun vibrant colors. It had lots of windows and many plants surrounding the entire thing. It was a very pretty school in my opinion. People started standing up and making their way off the bus. I followed closely behind them and to the front doors.

When I dispatched myself from the herd of people I was afraid I was going to get lost. Luckily I found the front office pretty quick. After I head checked in and got my schedule they pointed me towards my home room and wished me luck. Why do I think I'll need it so bad?

When I made it to my homeroom I went on autopilot and walked to the back of the room. I put in my headphones and ignored everyone until the bell rang. My plan of doing that was going great... until I was interrupted.

A girl with long curly blond hair and shiny green eyes sat next to me. I peeked at her to see she was already looking at me. She had a big toothy grin.

"Yeah" I said. She probably didn't deserve the snarky tone but it's not my fault she was staring at me first.

"Hi, sorry for staring but I just think you're gorgeous" then she paused "I mean not like that, I mean yeah you're pretty. I like guys though" she tripped over her words. I giggled at her little rant.

"Thank you," I said laughing. Her cheeks turned red.

"I'm Tallia," she said.

"Fable" I introduced.

She settled into the seat next to mine just as the teacher walked in.

"Good morning class today-" he started. Then I stopped listening so I don't know what else he said. I snapped out of my daze as the bell rang.

The day went by in a blur, it was boring and I didn't learn anything. The bus took me home, I made plans with Tallia for her to pick me up tomorrow morning. I felt awkward in the bus without Cody sitting next to me, holding my hand and sneaking me kisses.

When I walked into the mansion I set my bag off at the door and slipped off my converse. Then I looked up and saw my mom sitting in the living room watching a reality TV show.

"Hey" I said through gritted teeth. It was hard to talk to her,or really just to be in her presence. I had to suck it up though because she's done a lot for me in the last week. She looked up and saw me. Where I was expecting a smile I got a frown.

"What's wrong?" I asked walking into the room. She looked me up and down and then slid her hands down her face.

"That's what you wore to school today!" She said with the must sullen look on her face.

"What's wrong with what I'm wearing?" I frowned. What was her problem?

"You look like a trash Fable" she said looking up at me.

"Excuse me!"

"I've had most of your clothes thrown out today and replaced with more err... appropriate clothes for this household" she did smoothing her skirt. I glared at her hoping she would explode on the spot.

"You did what" I spit.

"You heard me, you'll get over it" she sighed. I can't believe her! I spun around in my heels and dashed up the stairs. When I got to my bedroom I swung the door open. Running straight to my closet. We're there once were skinny jeans, sweaters, my tee shirts, and ratty shoes. Now was replaced with collared shirts, plaid skirts, and knee high socks.

I sank to the floor and started sobbing. I fumbled with my pocket and got out my phone. I shot a text to Cody.

"She threw out my clothes. I'm losing myself and I don't know what to do" that will get his attention. I waited a few minutes filling the time with tears. When I finally heard my phone all it said was "I love you baby" from Cody. That's it? He's probably just busy, I convinced myself.

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