Chapter 3

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I never really want to be part of anyone's life. Especially not this Cody kid who can't seem to get off my back. I don't think he realizes how toxic being around me can be. That's why I don't like to talk to anyone, I feel like I'm keeping them safer that way. No one would want to be part of my life anyways, so why try to make them? I don't want to unintentionally hurt someone. Being around me can scar someone, and I really don't like being responsible for people's pain.

When I arrive at school the next day I learn that the official football team of the year has been posted. I personally don't do any sports, but my curiosity got the better of me and went to check it out. On the list by the front office I saw a few familiar names, but I couldn't help but roll my eyes when I saw the name Cody White. Of course he would play football, because you know high school clichés... hot guys play quarterback on the football team. Not that I thought Cody was hot or anything. He was just annoying as far as I'm concerned. I wonder if he's any good though?

As I was walking to my locker a familiar voice stopped me in my tracks. A low gruffy, what most girls think is a sexy voice. One that has tormented me for years; it just couldn't seem to leave me alone.

"Fable, what a surprise" it said in a mocking tone. I felt my heart rate raise and palms getting sweaty. Be strong I whispered to myself, they can't know they have an effect on me.

"What do you want Jackson '' I replied, spinning around in my heels to face the monster. He leaned his elbow on the locker next to mine and gave me a smirk. I wish so bad that his straight pearly white teeth would get knocked out one day.

"Don't get snarky with me Brat '' he exclaimed, spitting his words. I could feel his saliva spray across my face. I felt my hope sink away knowing what came next. I braced myself for the impact and it came. Jackson's knuckles hit the side of my jaw making my face jerk to the right. The small sting of a new cut in my jaw was brought to my attention. I sighed knowing I would have to wear makeup to cover it up until it healed. I was waiting for another hit to come when suddenly I felt I hand on my shoulder. It yanked me away from Jackson, I opened my eyes slowly and saw none other than Cody White. He was standing between me and Jackson with his arms spread wide separating us. Was this necessary? Couldn't he just let me mind my own business?

"What the Hell" he spat in Jackson's direction. His voice laced with anger. He turned his neck to look at me. When he saw the cut on my cheek he brushed his thumb over it making me flinch. His eyes filled with concern, but his focus was taken away from the sound of Jackson's voice. He moved his hand and stood in between us again, part of me missed his attention but I brushed it off.

"Get lost, new boy, you don't belong here" he said looking at the blood on his knuckles from my face casually, as if he was inspecting a broken nail.

"I belong here now" Cody snarled back. I took the opportunity to run away. I ran down the hall to the front doors as fast as my feet could take me. Ignoring everyone's stares and laughs. Eventually I made my way outside I was out of breath and panting when I heard the doors open and close again. I turned around and saw Cody standing there. His hair was disheveled and his face was red, most likely from running. When I saw him, I decided quickly that I did not want to talk to him. I walked past him stomping back into the building. I heard him yelling after me, but I didn't turn around.

I ran straight for the girls bathroom not daring to look behind me. When I entered the bathroom I looked in the mirror. My brown hair was in a mess, so I took one of the black hair ties off my wrist and put it into a messy bun. My jaw line had a cut on it from where I got punched. I took a wet paper towel and wiped away the dried blood. I looked straight into the mirror. My green-gray eyes were outlined with red right now, because I was trying so hard not to cry.

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