Chapter 8 (Cody's pov)

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(Cody POV)

I was at the bus stop early today. It was warm outside but also a little bit windy. About ten minutes later I saw Fable walking down the sidewalk. She was wearing her usual plain face. No emotion could be seen through it. She was such a curious character. When she came to dinner at my house she would smile and laugh. Something about it though all seemed fake. When she's not around my mom or an adult she just keeps to herself. I think she has emotions she just doesn't want to show them. Maybe she's scared? I wanted to know what she was scared of. I wanted to help her, but she just wouldn't let me. I feel like I've been in her position when my dad admitted to being a hitman. I didn't want anyone to know how I was feeling so I did not show. I didn't get better until I admitted to being sad and mad and overwhelmed.

When she got to the stop sign I talked to her.

"Good morning Chippy!"

She looked up from the ground, her green eyes locked with mine for a second. She brushed her dark brown hair out of her face. Revealing her dark eyeshadow and bright red lipstick. Fable was a stunning woman no doubt. She looked at me with no emotion then responded "Yeah." Obviously she hated me. I don't know what I did. I didn't try to make conversation after that and just waited for the bus to come pick us up.

I almost felt bad that my mom pressured her into coming to dinner. Although that was almost two weeks ago now. I cant lie though it was nice to have her over at my house. I guess forcing her to be part of my world. The only thing is I wish I didn't have to force her. I have no idea why but I have an urge to open up to her. I don't even talk to my mother about my emotions, but I want to talk to Fable.

After a few long awkward minutes the bus finally came. I got on first and headed straight to the back. I sat in the very last seat next to the emergency door. I looked out the window and waited to leave. I was brought out of my head when the seat beside me lowered. Looking over I saw Fable had sat with me. She looked at me with a daring look. I felt like she was going to threaten my life if I questioned her seating decision. Not wanting her to leave I just ignored her and kept to myself. Just enjoying this small unspoken victory. My body was very aware of her thigh touching mine. Even though we were both wearing jeans I could feel her body warmth. Maybe God did have a good plan for me after all.

Out of the corner of my eye I saw her get out her phone and check her Instagram. She actually had a decent amount of followers considering she didn't talk to anyone. Around five hundred from what I could see. I looked back at the window and waited to get to school.

When we arrived at school I didn't make any comments as we both walked into the school. I headed straight to class and started taking notes. I knew I had to go to college to make my mom proud, but part of me also wanted to go for me. The ability to know I know something about anything. It seemed like a good feeling to have.

As the day passed I got more tired. That was until it was time for english class. I walked into the room ignoring the stares from all the girls. This happened at my old school too. I guess I was a good looking kid, but after a while it gets annoying when everyone just falls at your feet. I saw Fable sitting in the back of the classroom, so I made my way over there. A week ago I wouldn't have dared to sit next to her. Now, part of me wants her to punch me in the face just so I can feel her hand on my face. Fable looked at me sitting next to her and rolled her eyes. The teacher entered the room and Fable looked at him intently. I could tell she really liked this class. Today we were learning about some books. Personally, I hated learning things like this. Watching fable made this class worth it though. She would even laugh at the corny jokes the teacher made.

I had to use the bathroom about half way through class, so I took the pass and left. I had almost made it to the bathroom when someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turned around and saw the blue eyed blondie of the school. Michelle. She has been chasing me ever since I got here.

"Cody Baby- "She said in what I guess was supposed to be a seductive voice.

"Don't call me that Michelle. Im not interested" I said taking her hand off my shoulder.

"Why?" She whined. Dear lord her voice was annoying.

" 'Cause I'm not into girls who act like you. Go open your legs for someone else" I said calmly and then walked the rest of the way to the bathroom. I remember when I still lived in California. Brody and I constantly had girls falling for us. We participated in their games too. I got tired of it pretty fast. Not Brody though, he loves the attention. We grew into separate people. I wish I had known the path he was going down though. The worst part is I know he is helping my dad. I would still trust him with my life though.

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