Chapter 23

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I can't sleep to save my life. I'm still thinking about Cody. His stupid smile, and his stupid hair, and his stupid self. God I love him so much. He kissed another girl! Why am I even thinking about this? Maybe he had a good reason. Ugh. Frustrated, I grabbed my phone and text Simon.

Me: what should I do about Cody?

Si: At least let him explain

Me: Why in hell would I do that

Si: Maybe it wasn't on purpose Fabe. Give the boy a chance... for me :(

Me: Finnnneeee

I set down my phone and thought for a second. It was only ten I knew he would be up right now. Do I really want to do this? Yes. I picked up my phone again and texted Cody.

Me: Unlock your front door for me so I don't wake people up knocking. Then go back to your room so we can talk

I waited a second for him to respond. And just as I assumed he was awake.

Cody: Really! Okay.

Why was he so excited? I crawled out of bed and put some black sweat pants on. Also a warm hoodie, because the nights get cold here. I slipped on my beat up converse and then slid out of the house. Trying to be extra quiet so I wouldn't wake up my mom.

I walked over to the house across the street. Slowly I pulled the handle. Unlocked. Good boy Cody. I slipped inside the house and took off my shoes. Then I walked up stairs, avoiding the one squeaky step at the top. I walked past Mike's room and his moms and then got to Cody's door. I slowly pushed it open and went inside.

Cody was sitting on the edge of his bed. He looked up when he saw me.

"You have two minutes and then I'm leaving" I say sternly. I'll listen to what he wants to say, then I'm going home. Most likely to overthink it.

"It was an accident, Fabe" he said slowly. His eyes were watery. Don't you dare cry Cody White. I didn't respond and waited for him to keep going.

"I went to get us drinks, then when I turned around she was just there. I couldn't get her off of me" he said. I could tell by his facial expression he wasn't lying. He knotted his brows when he was lying. I looked at him dead in the eyes. His blue eyes, that I was in love with. I knew at that moment I was in love with Cody. That terrified the hell out of me. I know he didn't cheat. I believe him. What if he had though, would I be mentally prepared to handle that?

"I believe you I think" I said walking towards the door.

"Fable please stay."

"Times up Cody" I left his room and could feel tears running down my cheeks.

When I got back to my house I already knew what I was going to do. Cody White was going to be mine again. Tomorrow though, because tonight we sleep. He can handle a little suspension.

I dont know what I was thinking, I cant live without Cody. I do believe that Michelle would do something as nasty as trap him.

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