Margaret 'Maggie' Edelstein

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Margaret 'Maggie' Edelstein (OC): 

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Margaret 'Maggie' Edelstein (OC): 

Current Position: Hogwarts Head Nurse. As of Chapter 49 ("The Monster Inside"), has taken Hermione as her Apprentice at the suggestion of Madam Álava.

A nurse that had several years at her job when she heard of the vacancy as Hogwarts' head nurse. She applied with enthusiasm at the thought of being able to visit her (English) mother more often. Was disappointed when she realised that unlike Beauxbatons, Hogwarts 'head nurse' has no staff under her. At all. The position seemed more junior than the title would imply. Fortunately, she's come to terms with her disappointment right now. A pretty young woman with copper hair, she's cheerful, nosy and highly competent.

She's impressed by Hermione's healing knowledge and is really curious about how a school-aged witch like her ended up learning all that field-healer stuff. She's aware enough of the possible trauma that Hermione might still have, related to the attack that practically wiped out the British wizarding circle of Kopervik that she had hold back the more prying questions that she has and simply settled on the more technical ones.

First Appearance: Chapter 01 ("Waking Up with a Headache"). She interacts often with Hermione not just during her early days in the infirmary, but also later on when the time-slipped witch volunteers her medical knowledge.

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