Galatea Merrythought

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Galatea Merrythought: 

Current Position: Professor of Defence Against the Dark Arts
Previous Position: (?)

Galatea Merrythought is a witch with a head of white hair and yet of straight posture and practically springs on her feet in duels. Easily demolishing young duellists in their prime, she had quite a reputation in duelling circles before she accepted the offer to teach at Hogwarts. This apparent contradiction in her appearance makes it difficult to assess her age. Quick to smile and prefers to get close to her students, she makes the unusual choice to call all of them by their first names instead of their surnames.

Her approach in class when it comes to practice fights is rather hands free, other than the standard and completely expected "don't use dark arts" injunction on what can be considered a legal attack and what is not.

First Appearance: Met Hermione in passing in Chapter 11 ("Uncomfortable Truths"). First actual presence in Chapter 20 ("Arithmancy, DADA and Risk-Taking"), teaching Hermione's class and overseeing duels as well as fights. She appears again in Chapter 31 ("Traces").

As of the End of the First Arc: She's quite happy with Hermione's presence in class if it meant that Tom actually feels challenged enough to start duelling at his actual ability's level instead of holding back against his friends because it's too easy.


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