Chapter IX

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OSCORP'S WORLD UNITY FESTIVAL WAS ONLY IN A FEW HOURS, so why did it feel like Sophia was walking into some final boss battle?

Lottie was just finishing up her mascara in the mirror while Sophia lounged on her friend's bed, glancing at her phone every few minutes for any sort of message as Lottie raced around the apartment making sure that everything was perfect.


Bringing the phone to her face, a bubbling excitement rose up inside her chest as she stared at a message from Peter.

Harry just picked me up! Be there soon :)

Can't wait! Ready to make some trouble with me?


The smile on her face was so big, it was a wonder it didn't split her cheeks, tucking the phone away just as Lottie came back into the room. It was then that she realized that so much happened in the past month that she'd never gotten around to telling Lottie about that intimate moment with Peter at the park. Which was basically a cardinal offense of best-friendship.

"Lottie, I have to tell you something."

"Bitch, I can't hear you over the sound of me panicking!"

"Peter told me he liked me."

That got her to stop in her tracks, dropping the briefcase she was carrying to the ground. Those large, blue eyes were wide as they stared at Sophia, who began squirming when she wasn't certain what her friend was thinking.

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