Chapter XXIV

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A WEEK PASSED AND SOPHIA WAS OH-SO PATIENTLY WAITING FOR THE CALL from Harry that he found the scientist's profile

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A WEEK PASSED AND SOPHIA WAS OH-SO PATIENTLY WAITING FOR THE CALL from Harry that he found the scientist's profile.

But that call never came. And Sophia was more antsy than usual because she couldn't even go out as Prayer at night what with Lottie tinkering with her suit--demanding it needed some upgrading to the reactor. So the days blurred together with decathlon meetings, visits with dad and Idris, and a lot of take-out.

So it was only Spidey out saving Queens, Sophia already knowing that her partner would be worried about her absence. She wished she could tell him every time he stopped by to visit Sophia that Prayer was just fine and would return soon, but she kept her mouth closed each time. Even now.

"I can't believe you did this today!" she yelled, holding up a video on her phone showing a car slamming against Spider-man, who easily caught the thousands pound vehicle using his strength. "You could have been crushed, you idiot!"

"But I wasn't!" Spidey quickly defended, throwing some popcorn she made up in the air and webbing it against her wall.

"Yeah, this time. Believe it or not, I would rather you not put yourself in a situation to be squished." Throwing some popcorn in her mouth, she watched the hero lazily lay against her window. You would think someone like him would be a bit more cautious of who he relaxed around. I mean, a high school girl probably didn't come off as intimidating to your average hero, but was he this at ease with everyone? "No more crime-fighting tonight, Spidey?"

"Too much, actually. Especially without Prayer. I don't know where she went." He sounded so . . . lost. His worry left a part of her giddy while the other half who couldn't tell him the truth felt guilty.

"She's fine, Spidey. Like you told me, Prayer is tough. I'm sure she's gone awol for some secret mission with the Avengers and is going to come back and rub it all up in your face."

The masked hero was quiet for a moment. "What do you think it takes to be an Avenger?"

"I think one requirement is saving the human race at least once." A smile perked up her lips as she walked up to him, grabbing one of his hands. "I think you would be a great Avenger."

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