Catching Feelings

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Alex's P0V
I can't. I can't. I can't. I can't have a crush on and Omega. I mean, we'd work well together but my reputation would be tarnished. Then again, does all of that really matter? I mean, I'm friends with him, and he's protected by Thomas and us so I guess he's popular. He gets the causal taunts by classmates but I get them too. I was called wolfie when I presented as an Alpha and the nickname has always stuck.

I just can't stop thinking about him, yesterday he whispered under his breath I might be catching feelings, but that doesn't mean he was talking about me. I was going to ask him about it but then he would get all flustered and stutter so I just didn't.

Here I am, on my motherfucking rut just sitting in bed. I can't go to school like this. My scent becomes hella stronger and so does my sense of smell. It's kind of like being drunk and on your period because you experience all the shit that comes with bleeding out of your vagina and a hangover, I personally tend to get hella flirty and say what's on my mind. That's how Eliza and I broke up.

John's P0V
Life is super confusing. I think I have an itty-bitty crush Alex. But it's not that serious, I hope. I mean he's cute, on the football and debate team and is hella smart. He gets A's and lets me cheat off his paper all the time, which is dope.

"Hey Johnny," Alex says as we all walk into school.

"Johnny?" I ask confused. Herc and Laf snicker, Peggy smirks and I turn red. Alex gives his friends a disapproving look and they all turn away and giggle.

"It's your new nickname, but only I am allowed to call you that" Alex speaks up looking over to his friends. They smirk and laugh even harder and my face is a red as a billy goat in the Sahara Desert.

We finally approach the school and I see Suppressants in Alex's backpack when I reach to steal a pencil.

"Why do you have Suppressants?" I ask suspiciously everyone raises an eyebrow.

"Rut" Alex mutters, not a string of embarrassment in his body.
How is he is confident?

"I'm an Alpha, its like protocol" he whispers. Wait, how did he hear me, I hope he can't hear me right now.

"I totally can't" he snickers. I burst out laughing and we look like retards to everyone else.

"Can you please stop flirting?" Thomas asks "It makes my stomach hurt". I blush red at that and he just smirks and turns away.

"Alex, can I talk to you" I murmur. He looks kind of scared.

"Hmm?" He asks, not making eye contact with me.

"Why can you hear my thoughts?" I ask sternly. Maybe he's an alien from another planet.

"1. I'm not an alien that hurts and 2. You never say anything in your head you just whisper your thoughts but not all of them.

"Can I ask you a question" he mutters I nod.

"Who do you have feelings for?" He asks.

"Uh-I JAMES MADISON" I blurt. He's like the last person. Oh God, I hope Alex can't hear me.

His face falls a little bit but he continues to smile.

Alex's P0V
"Oh- that's good, um I hope he likes you?" I say, forcing a fake smile and a saddening tone.

"Oh me too"

We walk back to the table as I frown and sit down.

"Alex, qu'est-ce qui ne va pas?" Laf asks. He's the only one that knows French.
(Alex what's wrong)

"J'ai vraiment aimé John et il aime James Madison, mais ne le mentionnez pas car il ne sait pas que je l'aime bien," I mutter everyone looks confused

(I really liked John and he likes James Madison, but don't bring it up because he doesn't know I like him.)

"Well, he does now" John remarks. I feel my cheeks heating up and Laf is jumping up and down.

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