Thanksgiving Break Pt. 3

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I'm pretty sure this is going to be four or five parts, then a commercial break, then we move on to Christmas! I will be doing the twelve days of Christmas, and it's going to take me a while, so I'm getting out the most of what I can and then putting all my effort into Christmas. 

Did I do Halloween? I don't remember, but probably not. Just don't worry about it. Kay? K. 

Here we go! 

John's P0V

Once we got out of that dreadful thing, called an airport, we managed to check into our hotel rooms. France, itself, is very pricey, so to save costs we just got two hotel rooms and decided to split ourselves accordingly. Herc, Thomas, Peggy, Aaron and I all went into one hotel room and Eliza, Angie, Alex, Laf and James went into the other. My group and I entered our hotel room to see...two beds. 

"I thought we were getting multiple beds?" Aaron asks. Took the words straight out of my mouth. 

"...I...thought so too, I guess they made a mistake..." Herc mutters. We all shrug and Peggy and I planned to go up to the front desk before seeing a note on the bed. 

Sorry about the mishap but we don't have enough beds to support all ten of you, as we could only fit two beds in each room so because of this terrible delay to your wonderful stay here the costs of your two rooms is on the house. 

~Our Sincere Apologies, Welcome-Inn Staff

We all exchanged smiles and Herc called Laf as his group's room was in a different building. After a long, lovey-dovey, conversation between the two, he told us that the same thing happened over there and that we would meet everyone else at some French restaurant. Exciting!

Alex's P0V

Laf and I actually had some fun together. He was the only one in my group who had put in the effort to talk to me, except for Eliza whom I just ignored and we did a lot of fun shit. He took me to the amusement park while Eliza and Angelica got their nails done and James met up with Aaron and they went sight-seeing. Laf and I went on all the stellar rides and he invited Thomas and John too! John didn't talk to me much but I wasn't expecting him too so it was alright. I did make some progress however, as by the end of the night we were bouncing off of each other's jokes and having a whole ball. 

Once the night was over we went to the fancy restaurant called "Nourriture" and we had a great time eating with each other, the awkwardness had cooled down at that point and everyone was having a good time. I tried some new food and by the next morning, we were eating there again for their breakfast food. 

It was a buffet, meaning I got to eat whatever I wanted and trust me when I tell you I filled up, I filled up. Everything was fucking delicious and even Herc started talking to me. 

The days I spent in France was...amazing actually. 

Thomas's P0V

French experience, I hung out mostly with John and Peggy, something I wasn't expecting. Peggy was in her kinda depressed mood because of Maria, who still hadn't called her back, and John was seemingly quiet. 

That is until I surprised both of them by going to a water park. It was something my grandparents had founded a long time ago, and now was just used by my extremely wealthy(weird flex but ok) family so when I told my grand-père et grand-mère that I was in town with friends they let me use the park free of charge. Our maids and butlers worked staff and John and Peggy got the feeling of luxury. 

That both of them are used to. 

Peggy's P0V

Thomas isn't as bad as I thought, now I usually would say he's a stain on the United States but he was actually less of a douchebag on this trip. We weren't in France for as much as we originally planned, due to family things that Laf had dealt with so we made the best out of it. Even though we promised to stay as a group, we all split paths, me going with John, and eventually Thomas. I only went with Thomas because I went with John who was clinging onto him like a puppy. I'm surprised a jealously streak didn't fly through Alex when he saw them. 

Sure, he seemed bothered, but I was expecting an outburst and I got nothing, very out-of-character for Alex. 

Besides that, Thomas and his rich ass had a whole water park in the midst of his hands. No else was there, the food was free, the rides were dope, and everything was run by people Thomas grew up with so he had of sense of respect with them. It was unusual to see Thomas this friendly but I just dealt with it and had a good time. 

The trip actually was a good time. 

Wtf, why am I ending it here? Tbh, this was a bad chapter in itself but it's content, a lot of it actually and I need to hurry up and write the Christmas shit so we'll be ending this quickly. The next chapter is actually Thanksgiving, which will take place in a *gasp* new location!

Word Count: 906

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