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"Chill out babygirl." He smirked. "The gun is empty." He laughed and pulled the trigger again and it just clicked.

Queen grabbed me and pulled me towards the car. The guy walked over to an all black SUV and pulled off.

It felt like I couldn't catch my breath. My legs got weak.

"Calm down." Queen spoke. "You're going to have a panic attack."

The last thing I saw was the tail lights of the SUV before I blacked out.


I stood against a wall outside of the hospital and smoked my blunt. I needed something to calm my nerves.

"Is that my car?" I squinted looking at a car approaching. "I know damn well Kim ain't driving my shit like that."

It was in fact my car. It pulled up to the entrance and she slammed on the brakes. Queen jumped out the drivers side.

"Queen? Where's Kim? Why you driving like that?"

"She's passed out." She snatched the passenger door open.

"What the fuck happened?!" I picked Kim up out of the car.

"We were at your place, Kim went up, got the stuff, came back, a guy came from nowhere, asked about you, put a gun in her face, I thought
she was going to die, this is fucked up." Queen said all in one breath

"A guy? What he look like? What was he driving?" I carried Kim into the hospital.

A nurse ran over and began asking questions. Queen told her everything. They rolled a bed out to lay Kim on and wheeled her to the back.

"Is she going to be ok?" I asked "Will our baby be ok?"

"She still has a strong heartbeat, she's just unconscious. Both her and the baby should be ok but we will run all necessary test to ensure that they are. But I need you to wait out here, we'll come and get you when she's awake."

I watched as the doors closed. What is happening?

"What the fuck!" I punched the wall. "Did you get a good look at the guy?" I walked over to Queen.

"Um yea. I think so. He was tall, dark skin, had like a little afro puff and he had a long scar on the side of his face."

I nodded. "Give me the keys. I'll be back." I walked out of the hospital.

From what Queen described, dude was Niqo. He was Rocko's right hand. And I knew exactly where to find him.

I picked up my phone and called Brandon.

"Yo. Be outside. We got something to handle."

I pulled up to Brandon's house 15 minutes later. He hopped in and I pulled off.

"Wassup?" He asked

"Rocko fucking with me. One of his guys had Kim at gunpoint and I'm almost 100% sure he had something to do with my bro getting shot."

"So what we doing?"

I laughed a little. "We about to see how he likes it."

I drove all the way over to Bushwick. I turned my lights off as I approached the house where Niqo usually is. And as I thought, there was a black SUV in the driveway. I watched the house for any movement. The front door opened and someone walked out. He got into the truck but didn't turn it on. He just sat there.

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