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My phone rang.

"God bless that phone,"Anna said clearly irritated.

"Who is it?" Adam asked.

"Oh my chic stylist... You know after Anna quit her job during 10th grade," I said and excused myself.

"Good Evening Ma'am... Your red dress is ready. The crew is on the site decorating it. We'll be waiting there for tomorrow," she said.

"That's cool... You said all of that in one breath... It's okay and I trust you guys but I don't think I might be able to attend it tomorrow," I said.

"They have hopes on you Clara," she said.

"I know... Even my sister and her family has it on me and perhaps you will do it just right," I said.

"If that's your decision. I'll be in charge," she said.

"That'll be all Aella," I said.

She hung up the phone and I turned to face Emmet in front of me.

"You seemed stressed. Everything up to date?" he asked.

I sighed.

"Just work pressure. It's exhausting!" I said reaching for a glass of water.

"Tell me," he said soothing my shoulders.

"It was Aella... The Genovese group have there function tomorrow and I don't want to go," I blurted.

"Because of leaving Anna?" he asked. I nodded.

"Oh honey... I will be at home for them you can go," he said kissing my neck.

"But..." I trailed off but he interrupted.

"You are going for sure," he said smiling.

I smiled and returned back to the couch. Beer was in Anna's arms as she cautiously fed him milk.

Adam was staring at her like a maniac. I rolled up a magazine from nearby and rolled it, smacking his head. He caught my hand in motion and turned back to me.

"I am three years older than you honey," he said smiling like an idiot. I wriggled out if his hand and sat down on the sofa.

"I support Ethan's idea... We should sit down and chat together sometime," she said.

"Our schedules are mismatched... Mine gets filled up every nine minutes," I said looking at my phone for the schedule app Emmet and Anna had helped me design and dear Adam had taken the credit for sitting on the table playing on his phone.

He was playing Mario Kart... Like seriously...

I opened my folder to see what the shut was for the next few days. Today was marked with a dot, meaning nothing. Tomorrow was named as Genovese. The day after tomorrow was the most hectic one.

"How is Adaline doing?" Anna asked capping the bottle again.

"She is quite a catch for me. She is in town tomorrow," I said folding my legs onto the white couch and removing my slippers off.

"What was Aella talking about?" Adam asked.

"am I in midst of a Police investigation?" I teased.

He shrugged.

"There is this function for tomorrow night and I guess you'd be staying and I don't want to leave you alone," I said.

"Sweetheart... A wise person once said to do work sincerely. I think that it will be alright. You should go," Anna replied.

"But I don't want to leave Tequilla and Beer alone," I said.

"Don't call them that," Anna warned.

"Let her decide Wine," Adam replied.

"You are such a," I said.

"A what? I named my three most favourite thing after another three favourite things," he replied.

"What would you name me?" I asked peeking with interest.

"Beetle," he replied mimicking their hand movements with his hand.

"Still that same douche," I said shaking my hand from side to side as he gently bowed.

We talked from everything to nothing. I quickly set up the table to stop the mice in my stomach from jumping. Anna sat down and Adam next to her.

Adam and Anna held each other's hands and stretched them towards us.

"We say Grace in our house," Anna replied.

"Stop being so Biblical," I said not wanting to wait another second.

"Says the girl whose name is Clarabelle," he said.

"Mom named me after Grandma... I had it changed when I was a child... Stop making fun of her," I snapped.

"Let's say the Grace before Clara puts us all in our graves," Emmet said. In some other dimension, I would have smiled or kissed him but now I was hungry. She completed the Grace and I dove headfirst into the food.

After completing our food, Anna stayed behind to talk to me. I washed the dishes as she arranged them.

"How was the past year for you?" Anna asks me.

"It's really the meant to be. Emmet is always gentle and caring towards me. He is always to catch me if I fall. Things in the bedroom are quite steamy," I said removing my gloves and laying them on the counter.

"That means Emmet isn't going to get a bruised eye," she joked as she took the gloves and then carefully kept them in the cabinet.

"This is better," she says. I smile.

"What Candycane?" she asked flailing her mahogany ponytail.

"You are my brother," I said kissing her forehead and left her there wondering what to say. I got in and changed into a robe. Emmet was wearing his shorts typing something on his computer.

I bent down and sat revealing a bit of my breasts. He looks at me and back at them and back to his computer.

"Come on... Your company wouldn't exhaust if you don't exhaust yourself," I said grabbing his glasses and putting them on the counter with my pair of contact lenses. Our bed was a white canopy bed with a sheer blue curtain. The wall behind the bed had an ethnic print and a photo of all of us at our wedding. The wall opposite had two desks and two cabinets. A bookshelf placed in between separated them from each other such that it formed a 'T' with the wall. The bookshelf was filled with files and photos. A soft board in front of us. My board was cluttered with destination and weddings and phone numbers while his sat too proudly and cleanly. The wall on the right side had a bathroom and a toilet. And the wall on. The left side was glass revealing a gorgeous scenery out. Two beanbags were placed and a coffee table gave it a very classy vibe. The moon was directly visible from our house. There was also a small space for us to get ready and my birthday tiara stood proudly amongst others. I had kept one of Emmet's tie when I first got drunk with him was still tucked inside my wardrobe. Fairy lights dangles everywhere covering us. There was even mini fridge in my reach stocked with chocolates and wine...

My nerd knows me...

Emmet looked at me with his orbs like a child looking at chocolate. He smiled and then pounced upon me tickling me again and again until tears of joy ran out.

God bless these soundproof walls...

I finally gave up tired putting my head on his stomach as he slowly raked his hands through my hair.

My lids dropped and I was back into a fairyland where I had just met Emmet... Back to grade 10...

Back to a carefree life...

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