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A month passes by and life's still the same though getting over Adam was still hard.
Wait hard's wrong. It was impossible. But I was learning and getting better at doing so until of course something happens.

I was sound asleep when my phone buzzed and I ignored it but then I realised what if it's important?
Of course me being me I picked it up at the second ring and placed my ears on it without even seeing the caller ID.

It was my beloved sister. In the middle of a night. I am gonna kill her.

"Anna... Anna are you there?" she asked.

"of course I am you dimwit. What happened? Are you alright? Are mom and dad alright? What made you call me this late?" I asked her groggily but now fully awake.

"I am not a dimwit by the way though I choose to spare you of my wrath because... Its your birthday. Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Happy birthday Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday Anna." she said singing.

"oh I thought you'll wish me in the morning. Thank you so much Claire. I got really scared and mad for a second though."I replied smiling and sitting upright with my bed covers shielding me from the chilly air.

" you are so pessimistic. "she said chuckling.

Her laugh. It was so innocent and filled with the guillble tone like that of a child." well I you are the more optimistic one. " I said. What didn't say was that one has to be. When one has a life like mine one becomes a pessimist. Because nothing good lasts long. Though hearing her laugh on the other side of the dial I thought I am still grateful for the life I had because I had her. She was the only good that was still with me.

"well surely I am. But that's only because you are the good genes one." she said catching her breath and laughing at her jokes thereby interrupting my train of thoughts.

" That's not really true but I'll let that slide."

"mom and dad told me to wish you a very happy birthday  with loads of love."

"tell them I am thankful for everything they did for me and will continue to do."

"I will."

There was a pause as only the sound if our breathing could be heard.

I remembered last year and how Claire and Adam and Emmet gave me a surprise party. How happy we were together. But now I am all alone with no one. Its so sad how life can be something and then change before you can truly enjoy what you had. Now I am in a foreign land with no one around.

"I miss you Claire." I wisphered as my breath got shakey and my throat constricted me from speaking. My eyes got watery."i miss you so damn much." I repeated. And I miss him. I miss Adam. I didn't say it but the words were there. Still very much in the air hanging like something reachable but still far away.

"Anna don't get all sad. I miss you too. I know you miss me and it's your first birthday alone but it'll be fine. Anna, are you there?"

" yes I am. You are right I know you are happy for me and I am happy. Now go to sleep as I know you have school tomorrow. Bye. "

" you'll never change. Bye. Love  you. "

" Love you too. Bye" and with that I pressed the red button switching it off and placing it on the bedside table.

I pulled the covers up and waited for sleep to come. Thank god tomorrow was a holiday due to some construction work going on in college.

I woke next morning to the sound of my phone and door bell ringing. Is today really my birthday because I sure as hell can get sleep today. I sighed and pulled over a robe over my night dress to protect me from the cold as I went to open the door.

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