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A/N This is just a fact that I have just found out. If you want to see who Clara is most like, you should check out 'Niki Demar'... She is just the way I had pictured Clara to be. And her boyfriend... He is just the way I needed Emmet to be.

If you guys check out the relationship between Niki's twin and her boyfriend, you'll find that Gabi Demartino and Nate (Clara's Bf) have a really awkward relationship and Collin (Gabi's BF) is just like Adam. Clara and Adam are just like Emmet and Clara.

Just to clear things out, I had not visited the channel when I started writing and nor have I plagiarized any of their ideas. It's just me and my thinking... Even that swap... Please don't take it in a wrong impression.

With love,
Vartika Singh

P.S. Their photo

Collin Vogt and Gabi Demartino

Niki Demar and Nate West


'I go to seek a Great Perhaps'. What was a Great Perhaps? And was I already living in it? I don't know what it is but I know that I seek it. I turn over to the first page of the book. Sighing, I shut it up and switched the lights off. I wondered who was my Great Perhaps until that thought lulled me to sleep.

The next morning, I rose up and opened the blinds. Then I changed into a black blouse and a plaid skirt. I poured myself cereal and settled on the counter.

It was out ritual to drive together to college. I closed my door and went downstairs.

"Good morning, rise and shine..." Nick said. I smiled and sat into my car. The engine purred slightly but then crashed down.

"Is there something wrong? Can I help?" he asked.

"Stupid Benz... I told Dad to get a normal one," I said closing it. He laughed as he opened the gates for me. He drove slowly.

"It's been years since we sat here together in a car hasn't it?" I asked.

"Hmm," I replied looking at me.

"Anna... Tell me a fact," he said looking at me and then back at the road.

I nodded.

"Do you feel that I am burden and that you have to be with me? Am I forcing you in?" he asked.
This question is what I had been asking myself. Was I happy? I was but was I satisfied? I wasn't.

"No," I replied as he pulled into the lot.

"Do you not like yourself been seen with me outside? Are you somehow ashamed of me?" he asked.

"I am ashamed of myself for making you feel this way," I said locking his eyes.

He locked his lips and I sat quietly holding his hand.

He was all I needed but... He wasn't Adam.

Sometimes your obsession becomes your craving and your craving, your obsession.


"Mikalya Jones huh," Terence said as we walked in the next day.

"Why are you smirking?" I asked.

"Adam... I know you and I know her... You are not meant for her," he said.

"Anna was my meant to be... Did she be?... No... Because life is a vicious circle... And I was running a tangent," I replied.

"Ads... Don't kid yourself," Terence said looking at me.

"I am not," I said looking at Mikalya as she walked out of her car making a darn good mean girls entrance.

We locked eyes and maintain smiles.

"Do as you wish... But I'll stand by you and teach you that you are not who you are pretending to be," Terence said leaving my side and rushing inside.

"Hey Hansen... Looks like Boy Scout #2 left your side," she said.

I smiled.

"I'll meet you at Starbucks at 5. Your treat," she said.

"I'll pick you up," I said.

"Okay," she said giving my hand a tight squeeze and running towards the gate.


"Stop moping around," Mel said as I sat down during the Games period.

"I am not moping. I just need time to recollect my thoughts," I said. She looked at Cera and then left.

"Don't lie to me Clara," she said storming away as Cera ran behind her. I pulled out my phone and checked on his message. None. Maybe he has moved on.

A ball enters the shrubbery as Ethan runs in.

"Ah! If it isn't the next door neighbour!" he said passing the ball out and sitting next to me. Hi feet make a crunchy noise on the dry grass.

"What were you doing?" he asked playing with a tendril of his hair.

"Nothing," I lied. I was thinking of Emmet.

"I know Emmet was a good guy but you need to get over it," he said. And in that moment, I had a sudden urge to hug him. I fought my urge but then gave way.

"Easy tigress... I know I am hot," he said.

I broke the hug and stared in his green eyes.

"Okay tigress... I gotta run... Catch you later neigh neigh," he said smiling as I smiled back as he winked making me giggle.

At the end of the day, there was a swimming practice at the end if the day. I stretched by the pool as Ethan walked in.

"You swim?" he asked.

"Guess there is something you don't know about tigress," I said smiling.

"Wanna do a lap?" he asked.

"Be ready to lose," I said as we both jumped into the  water and touched and returned back. Me first.

"told you!" I said smiling.

"Okay okay..." he said but I instigated him some more.

The practice was dismissed as I walked with Ethan back to the lot. My cap had gotten loose making my hair wet.

"So... How is it going?" he asked.

"I guess I am not good," I said.

"Clara...." he said facing me, "Whatever you feel isn't what people feel about you. You are beautiful and you deserve to be happy."

A tear fell down my eye as he hugged me.

He was stroking my hair as I faced him. His eyes deep and intense. I placed my lips on his. I tasted the minty flavour of his mouth. He resisted his urge and placed his hands on my shoulders.

"Think if you want to pursue this," he said leaving, whistling like nothing had happened.

I needed to try this out. I was bored of those bleak flavours of goody-two-shoes and now it was time to go wild and rogue.

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