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Our date went awesome. We laid down at the beach as I recounted tales of the past. The past that still thrived into our bodies. Some people say that past is something that should be forgotten. But I negate that. I feel that it is that past and circumstances that constitute us into who we are. It changes our beliefs. Our emotions and reflects into what we say or write.

I told him about all those glorious days of Clara's mischief. Her sappiness. I know I should have been angry on him. But I couldn't. I simply couldn't.

He did what was best. He told her before leaving. He did exactly what he should have done.

Another reason would be that that I did the same thing.  And I was well versed as to never let myself down.

"Clara was a freak," I said laughing playing with the sand building a castle with it as Emmet joined me.

"She is a freak," he replied sitting down beside me.

"You wouldn't know this but Clara, when she was in grade 7, drowned herself on the beach," I said. He looked at me.

"She is really klutzy," he said. I nodded as I put up  the flag.

"Wanna go back?" I asked. He nodded. As we walked down the beach.

"Anna,... Do you mind if I ask a question?" Emmet asked. I shook my head.

"How did you start attracting to Adam?" he asked.

"What is attraction according to you?" I asked.

"The feeling of wanting to know someone," he said.

"I was attracted to Adam the day I came to know his soul," I said.

He looked at me piqued with interest as we settled onto the couch.

"When I was in grade 8, we had this quiz in which we participated. The school was to select three children from 7th, 8th, and 9th to go to an international quizzing event... I was of course the one selected... I do not deny it... I was the cream of the crop," I said at which Emmet started laughing.

"Anyways, I were to have a three bed bedroom in a hotel in Shanghai... But due to some trouble, I was stuck up. The teacher decided to house one of them in her room. So my friend Gary went with her. he was her son so that was obviously the choice," I said crossing my legs on the couch.

"So it was that I share the room with Adam or sleep in one of the other hotels. The next hotel in the radius was approximately 17 kilometers away... So I'd better not risk it. I asked Adam if it were fine by him to let me join and he didn't mind," I said.

"I was young but I wasn't näive... That night, I slept with a mace by my side... I was unable to sleep and I wouldn't bother to switch the light on as I didn't want to startle him... My... Our room had a window and a window seat so I sat there gazing at the moonlight. It was kind of a tradition to check back on Clara in the night whether she had slept or not. I used to sneak up every other night and sit by her holding her hand. She was so calm and peaceful. I know I sound like I was obsessed with her but that's what happens when you care too much," I said looking at him.

"Its not bad to care about someone... You love your sister... And those who love each other care for them," Emmet said.

"That's why I was freaked out watching you that night when you came to drop her off," I said.

"I wouldn't blame you," he said. I smiled.

"I hummed softly a lullaby that Mom sung us when we were children... I was humming the tune when I heard a movement behind me. Adam turned on his sound as I smiled. I don't know why but watching him sleep gave me the same soothing feeling that Clara gave. I sat down on my bed and laid on his side looking at his face. His face was really calm. His eyes shot open as he sat up. I was really surprised... 'I didn't mean to startle you... I am sorry' I said. He smiled. I must have looked like a creep back then," I  said laughing.

"If you see the way he looks at you, you'll know how much he loves you," Emmet said.

"We talked a little bit and then went to sleep. The next morning, we aced and won the prize. We toured the area and that night departed. Adam and I sat next to each other on the plane and we chatted a lot. We talked about what we liked and disliked and what we'd like to change... I don't know why but when we went into the campus, he just changed. He stopped talking to me or smiling at me and just annoyed me..." I said.

"He didn't belong to that clique but he wanted to be famous," Emmet replied.

"He wanted to be popular. Famous and popular have a thin line between them. A person is famous for their skills. A person is popular because of where he stands..." I said.

"He really loves you... Why did he lie?" he asked.

I opened my mouth to answer but Adam and Clara barged in with Clara's hair wet.

"Did you go to the beach?" I asked handing a towel to both of them.

"No Mr. Hansen drenched me with a bucket of water as a prank with a kid," Clara said. Adam grinned. He kissed my ear. I looked at him. He looked at me all happy and contented. The way he was that night.

That evening, I cooked up the meal with Emmet. Adam and Clara were busy playing chess.

"The answer to your question is that... Everyone wants people to remember them. What I did was by actions what he did was by a group. He didn't realise they muffled him. Until he did, he was considered to be a lifeless soul," I replied.

"Sometimes I fail to understand you," Emmet said.

"I was meant to be so," I replied carrying the platter as I heard his chuckle.


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