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I woke up to the sunlight filtering into my eyes.

Again that stupid skylight...

I groaned turning back to find the bed empty. Then it struck me that he was in gym at this time of the day. Mr . Alpha had his personal gym in one of the six rooms.

I groaned and carried myself to the gym,pausing momentarily pausing at Anna's door.

They all were sound asleep...

Finally I made it to the gym to find Emmet in company. Anna was lifting herself on the pole. Adam was doing weights. Emmet was using the treadmill.

"See whose bright and early," Anna said looking at me as all of them paused at me.

"Definitely early and not at all bright," Adam teased as I rolled my eyes.

Emmet walked over to me smiling.

"I didn't mean to wake you up," he said softly hugging me.

I blinked my eyes as they began to droop.

"Let's get you tucked in bed," he said as he held me to himself. The next time my eyes open, it's already 12am. I groan over to find Toby and Tequilla snuggled up close to me. Their hands were somehow holding each other's as though they were lovers from a far off land. Persephone woke up that exact same moment. Her eyes glinting in the fairy lights. She held her hand up as I came closer. She delicately touched my face as though memorising me. Her eyes looked like Anna's. Her eyes stopped onto my nose as she tried to squeeze it. I took her hand in mine as she stared at me intently. I was an alien to her. A giant in fact. The same moment Toby woke up crying and Persephone's attention diverted back to him. She looked at him just the way Anna looks at me.

Guess we know who needed more pampering...

I held Tobias up gradually rocking him against my bosom. He finally stopped crying as I looked at Persephone. She gazed at us, her hands outstretched as though wanting Tobias near him as Tobias looked at her intently waiting to go closer again. I reunited them and calling for Anna. She rushed in and began onto their routine. I got changed and ate my breakfast as the twins re emerged wearing a Ducks and Clowns pj set. Their hair were like mine, not like Anna's mane and I related to them a lot.

Adam came out wearing just his shorts.

"This is a house not a dorm," I scolded as he rolled his eyes.

I had worn a navy blue denim overalls, ready for work. I had a magazine shoot today noon and that Genovese thing tonight.

Clearly the worst day...

My phone rang and it was Aella.

"They had that shoot rescheduled for tomorrow... It was something they had to urgently tend to," Aella replied.

"No... It's too much pressure tomorrow... Ask them for anyway to fix this in between," I insisted.

"I'll try my best but the odds are negative." she said hanging up the phone. Anna had her laptop out for work.

"Hey I just got an invitation by the Genoveses for tonight... I hadn't checked my mail the day before yesterday... It's dated from back then," she said.

"Great... There are a few dresses in that cupboard so help yourself," I replied.

"Are you going somewhere?"Anna asked.

" Yeah... Maybe this photo shoot... It's necessary, "I said glancing at the new email by Aella that it was scheduled for tomorrow and they wouldn't change it.

I quickly schemed a reply.
From: Clara Cole-Peterson

To: Aella Finns

Sub: Re: Photo shoot

Then maybe we should drop it... It's too much with that art musuem event and then a wedding... I think it's too much. Ask them if they could by any chance do it tonight or any time...

C. C. P.

Her reply soon came back that they had agreed to do it at 5, giving me absolutely no time to get ready for the event.

The clock ticked 5 and I was at the studio. I got in and walked headfirst into a body covered with tatooes. He looked really familiar.

It was Ethan.

"What a pleasent surprise!" he exclaimed hugging me not caring about my petite figure.

"That's mutual... Why didn't you tell me you were here?" I asked.

"Whats going on?" another female voice came up. Melissa.

"Oh my God! Clara," she said throwing her arms around me.

"It's that goofy girl back again," I smiled hugging her.

"Mom, Daze... See who I ran into," he called out.

"Wait... Isa's here?" I asked. He nodded as I hugged her close enough to shutter her bones.

"The area now feels empty without you kids," she said smiling.

"Ma'am," Aella called our from behind me.

I turned back.

"Josh's here... They wanna run this real quick," she said. I nodded and went after her. All of them came to my photoshoot. Ethan kept taunting me like his usual self. I struck a pose and then it was over.

"Mind joining for dinner?" I asked.

"Aren't you supposed to be at the Genoveses?" Ethan asked. I raised an eyebrow, "Tweet Tweet," he said.

"guess we'll see us all there," I said. Denise had changed a lot. Her hair were now back to their usual colour and her eyes were set. I checked my watch. It was 7already.

"Ma'am, Sir is waiting out," Aella reminded me.

"Poh! Let's meet Sir," Ethan said dragging us all outside. Emmet rolled his window down and removed his sunglasses.

"Did I die?" he asks beaming with happiness.

"Don't joke on things like that," Isa warned warmly. We all laughed until the door opened with Adam emerging.

"Ooh... Seeing Hansen after a long time," Ethan said smiling. Daisy's smile turned every few minutes as though she was determining whether to smile or not. In the end she gave up. I got into the car and asked Darius, my driver to rage it up. I changed into this red corset dress with backless back. It hung around my tightly so I layered it with another leather jacket. I took out my heels and my pair of earrings. Growing up had given me only one thing and that was how to do makeup without Anna.

Cheers for YouTube!

Emmet stormed in. His eyes raked me and I hugged him.

"We have all the night after this and I think you don't want to get late," I said getting past him. Persephone was dressed in a pale pink frock and Tobias was wearing a suit. Anna looked really good in a silver dress which was tapering as it went down until it gave way at the floor giving a trail. Adam was in an all black tux. I took Persephone from Adam so that he could buckle up his shoes but ten I never gave her back.

Persephone was the Anna to Tobias... And I never mean to let them go...

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