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Clara was with me and it was all right. I never thought about Adam or nick or the mess I have created. I have never felt that I was the culprit or I fucked up; because she was my sunshine. She had a world of her own and in that world Annalise was a star. But as you know nothing lasts forever and I cannot live in her world forever. She took that fantasy with her and I was left alone to deal with "LIFE".

But Annalise wasn't one to mope. She was the one who would get up, mask her face and be the bright sunshine everyone knows her to be.

So that's what I did. I woke up the next day as the sunshine fell into my eyes. I rubbed them and went to freshen up. Got out and dressed into a plaid skirt with red and black checks and a black blouse. I made a messy bun to go with the outfit and decided to apply no make up.

I put some bread in the toaster. While it the tea was being made I decided to go through my notes. After referring them for a while I unplugged my phone and drank my coffee as I replied to some of the memes Claire tagged me in. After a while I took my bag pack and drove to college. On the way I turned the music up and hummed to the lyrics when the song "perfect" played on the radio.

Perfect. A word everyone associated me with but it was so insignificant. A word that everyone uses to define me.
I realized how Adam loved to slow dance with me on this song. How perfectly perfect described me and Adam. It was our song.

Why does everything, every memory of mine bring me to him. Maybe that's my punishment for leaving him and making his heart bleed. The unforgettable pain of remembering and not having him.

I came out of the car and was greeted by the smiley face of Nick Genovese. He rested his hands on my waist and kissed me. His kisses are so different from Adam. Both are lovely, both were gentle, both are sweet but Adam was somehow more passionate.

Again his name

I pulled back and smiled at him.

"you look beautiful today. Heck you look beautiful everyday." he smiled moving my hair to the side.

"Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder." I reply and start walking towards our first lecture. He looks at me admiringly which makes the blood rush to my skin. I blush hard. I know that from Claire's constant teasing so I ask him to look away as we get settled. He sits next to me and replies" I can't. Anna nobody can. Nobody can remove their eyes from you. Nobody can just talk to you and look away. The things you say leave me enchanted. Anybody who loses you will go crazy. You are beauty and the brains. "

" If you don't stop staring at me I will blush harder and that'll make me beauty and beast so please stop. I must look like a tomato. " I said as the proffesor entered and began his monotonous lecture and my hands began taking notes.

Nick started taking his own notes chuckling to himself. The whole day was filled with such hectic lectures and by the time I reached home my neck was paining from over straining.

I kept my backpack at the table and went to kitchen to have a glass of water when my phone rang. I picked it up seeing the caller Id as "Mom".

I picked it up and mom greeted me warmly asking about studies and stuff. I replied to her and asked her about dad's health.

After a while I asked the most Annalise question according to Adam "how's Claire?"

To which mom paused and then replied "she's good. Still not studying though."

Well that was a long pause. Is she alright?

"Is she seriously alright with emmet leaving and me and... and.. Me and Adam breaking up and me leaving her?" even accepting we broke up is difficult for me even after so many months.

"I seriously doubt Anna. She masks so that I and dad don't get upset but she isn't a pro like you. With everything happening... Everything must've left a impact on her."

That pro thing stung. But I decided not to mention it.
"she never tells me anything nowadays. She is always" fine". God I messed up big coming here. I should have been there with her and.... "

" it's not your fault honey. You both are strong and I know you both will heal. I know that and now don't you dare say that you're alright cause I know you. I may not have been around a lot but I am the mother of you two."

"i don't know mom... I am scared... I don't know who to talk to and where to go."

"Everything will be alright. At the end of the day you are still going and have good grades and you care for people. You are still annalise and the annalise I know... To her fear doesn't shut her up it wakes her. Be brave dealing. I may not have been around and you took care of Claire a lot but I still love you both. Take care dear. "

" I will mum. I will. Please take care of Claire and yourself. Tell dad I said hello. Bye"

"bye honey. I love you."

"love you to mum" I replied and  pressed the red button. I wiped my tears and went to get my notes for studying. After a while nick messaged me saying he was coming over with Chinese takeout.

In half an hour my doorbell ringed and in came Nick with food. He placed it on the table and kissed me as we dove into food. He told me about his grandude and I heard him when he told me "you have something on your face"

"where?" I asked.

"On the side of your lips" he replied showing some noodles in his mouth.

I wiped it with a paper napkin. I recalled how if it would have been Adam he would have wiped it himself licking it of me. It would have been gross but I liked it. I liked everything that went with Adam. I remembered how one day we were having pizzas with Clara and mom and dad were home.

I was eating when Claire told "Anna you have something on your nose."

I started wiping it but she told me it was still there. That was when Adam intervened. He liked the sauce off my face placing a slocking kiss on my nose make me cringe it. "you look cute when you do that." he replied as I turned a shade depper. I got so embarrassed but mom and dad just laughed it off.

That was how he was. He didn't have a filter and I loved him for that. Adam was.....


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