Trial 2 cont. Another A/N

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Yuu wasn't expecting to find water as easily as they did. Maybe it was just pure dumb luck.

He was a little wary at first, before he saw Chess bounding up towards the stream shoreline. 'Almost like a lost puppy.' He thought whilst shaking his head.

Chess began to feverishly wash up. He decided to do it the same way, but careful not to disturb the animals in the river.

Yuu stood up, watching the water pour down from the giant cliff into a river they were now bathing in. 'You know, I would enjoy being here, if I wasn't fearing for my life. I'm sure a lot of people would too.' He thought while eyeing Chess.

She was currently staring at something in the water. Inching over, he inspected the place to where she was staring so intently at.

There were a few silver fish, they were small so it was hard to see them in the sunlight.

"Where there's small fish, there are big fish." He said, while Chess stared longingly at the water.

"Let's at least finish our bananas. It's important not to waste food around here." He said. Chess nodded, but Yuu knew what she was thinking.

"Don't worry, we'll be able to have some fish soon. We just have to start a fire first." He said.

After they finished their lunches, it was time to get back to work. "Getting some sort of warmth is our best option right now. Gather anything you can that's flammable." He said, directing Chess to a small pile of fallen twigs.

When she came back, she not only got a few twigs and semi-dry leaves. She also got some glades of grass, which were helpful too.

He took the items away from her and laid it out on a flat surface. He gathered the sticks to make a base, before putting the grass down.

He had a spare stick, and decided to try his best at kindling fire. After so many failed attempts, he ended up getting a spark.

Quickly, he lightly blew on it, trying to make the flame grow stronger. When it did, he finally added the wet leaves as fuel.

Turning around, he spotted an impressed Chess sitting down. "Could you teach me that?"

Yuu nodded, "later, but for now we have some warmth. Let's grab a few legs and branches to cover the fire just in case it rains again."

Although it hadn't rained since the beginning, it didn't feel like they were in there for a long time. In fact, they were pretty sure it hadn't even been two days yet.

Whatever the case it is, regardless if time ran faster or slower there, they needed to protect the flame.

"Alright." She said, standing up, she knew what to do. Chess looked around for something that would make a good support. So she decided on vines, twigs, and leaves.

All were pretty easy to find. She ended up finding a pretty long vine, which she snapped from the tree. Then she found several leaves and twigs.

When she arrived back, Yuu was nursing the flame, since he sure as hell didn't want to make another one.

"Let's add the support." Yuu said, sticking two sticks on the ground. Each parallel from each other and besides the flame.

Since the sticks were deep enough into the ground, it didn't wobble too much. Yuu was able to put the leaves, which were large enough, laying on the two poles. So it was almost like a bridge.

He then grabbed the vine and tied the two poles together. Making sure it was as stable as could be. "This isn't as bad as I thought." Chess said, breaking the silence.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, only one thing has tried to kill us. We've found food, water and fire. It's not always dark. And you seem to have more knowledge here then when were were in that cave like ecosystem."

He admitted she had a point. Things did seem a little peaceful here, almost a little too peaceful. "We should go get some water." He said.

Chess nodded, when something suddenly hit her, "how are we going to bowl water without a pot or a bowl?" She said, starting to become frantic.

"Well, the leaves aren't only for the flame to have protection against mother nature." He said, smiling a little.

He grabbed a leaf at the top of the flame, there were more so the flame was still protected.

He made his way to the river, wading in it for a while, before dunking the leaf in the water. Folding it in a scooping like shape.

Quite a bit of water spilled out, but it didn't matter to him. And he highly doubted it mattered to Chess, any amount of liquid is better than being dehydrated.

Carefully walking over, he placed the leaf that had a tiny bit of water over the fire. "This is going to be a lot like licking morning dew. But a tiny bit easier and we don't have to wait until the morning. He said as he watched the water droplets that didn't immediately evaporate start to boil.

Yuu knew just this wouldn't be enough to kill all the germs. But enough to make them not too sick.

"Here, you get the first leaf." He said, handing the leaf over carefully. Chess immediately thanked him for the water.

Hesitantly she licked the leaf, before she realized the water tasted fine. Yuu watched her for a couple of minutes, before going to get his own leaf.

He repeated the process, and began to "drink" his water. "We'll need to take several trips like this if we want to keep our hydration up. Or at least make some sort of bowl." Chess said.

"I would suggest using bark or something as a bowl this time, but it wouldn't work. It would be harder for the water to finally heat up. Not to mention the water would end up soaking in."

They contemplated for a while on how to get more water. When all of a sudden, Yuu saw something in the water.

'Was that huge log always there.'

Chess seemed to look up too in slight confusion. Something wasn't right here

Surprise! My grandmother actually didn't mind that I was on my phone that much surprisingly. And I had started writing this chapter right after I posted the last chapter. So I had time to finish everything. And by everything, I mean EVERYTHING. I somehow ended up having a productive few days. So as an apology I'll post this chapter earlier and my new book on the same day. The schedule for the new book will be random. Depending on the amount of support I get for the first chapter. Thanks for reading this book, this'll have the same update schedule as usual!

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