Chapter Three

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  At dawn I wake with a scream, shivering and covered in sweat. I'm instantly grateful that my room is in the attic where it's a bit harder for the other assassins to hear my screams—not that screams are uncommon.

Except for the room closest to the end of the hall below my room, which happens to belong to Felix, but of all the fifteen or so assassins that stay in the keep Felix is the least threatening.

Well.. least threatening towards me, because in reality Felix is the most skilled assassin in the Keep. He is undefeated in the fighting arena, and has the most kills on his record.

I quietly get up from bed, noticing I'm still in the exact same clothing from yesterday—weapons and all— I grab some clean clothes and a bar of soap and stash them into one of my satchels before pulling it over my head, so that the satchel rests on my hip.

I walk towards the window and open it, and lower myself out the window feet first and proceed to scale down the walls of the Keep. Small— yet strong— fingers gripping onto the edge of the window I make my way to the corner beam of the Keep, once there I grip with one hand and twist my body so that I'm looking at the tall tree next to the Keep.

I get ready to jump—muscles tensing in anticipation—using the beam I jump, pushing off with my legs. My fingers grip the branch, and swing my leg over onto the branch and make my way down the tree.

Once on the ground I start running towards the woods surrounding the Keep, zig zagging through the forest almost blindly, narrowly missing branches as I urge my legs muscles to pump faster.

Beyond the forest is a small meadow with a creek running through it, I reach the clearing slowing down to a walk.

I near the edge and sit down, and remove my boots and socks before letting my feet dangle but not for long, I then removes all my weapons and clothes and slide in, gasping from the sheer icy feel of the water.

Reaching into my satchel I retrieve the bar of soap, and begin scrubbing the dirt and blood from yesterday, scrubbing and scrubbing till my skin is red and raw. Submerging myself into the cold creek I wash my hip- length chocolate brown hair,once I'm finished bathing I change into my clean clothes and braid my hair.

I linger on the bank and begin cleaning my weapons with my dirty shirt, as well as sharpening them. Ever since I was taught at age eight it always seemed to sooth me. Stopping only when I lightly glide my finger over the blade and it comes away bloody, I gather my things a begin the walk to the Keep.

It was when I was near the stables adjusting my belt when someone shoved me—I hadn't been paying attention— it takes me so off guard I fall backwards onto my behind. I instantly look up at a sneering Lucien— a fellow assassin— I snarl at him while I unsheath my dagger behind my back.

"Feisty today aren't we princess" he says with a smirk, his grey eyes flashing. I may be many things, but a princess is not one of them.

And feisty, really...I'm  not the one that willy-nilly shoved someone who happened to be minding their own business!

I don't give myself time to think before I lung with a growl, although I'm much smaller than Lucien— the devil—who's about six feet tall, I am a lot more flexible and faster.

Once I'm close enough I jump up and twisting in midair catch him in the jaw with a roundhouse kick, he groans in pain while clutching his jaw "That was uncalled for Dasha." He fumes.

I scoff, so was that shove

I'm ready though, after last nights kill I need to burn some pent up anger. I want this fight, no, I Need this fight...

Lucien charges and I run towards him, I'm about to slide under him and slash his calves when someone pulls Lucien from behind.

I skid to a stop and gape as Felix slams his hand on Lucians throat and hooking his ankle behind Lucian's and slams him backwards so that he falls. Once on the ground Felix straddles Lucien so that his arms are under Felix's knees and throws a punch on Lucain face, there's a sickening "crunch" sound of bones breaking as Felix's fist connects with Luciens nose.

Felix doesn't stop though, he throws punch after punch on Luciens face till his fists are bloody with Lucians blood.

Now That was uncalled for...

Lucien groans and tries kicking and bucking his hips in an attempt to free himself, causing Felix to finally stop. “You bother her again, and I swear I'll kill you” He says with so much venom it makes Lucien flinch.

Felix let's Lucien go with a shove "You won't get away with this Felix, I'll make sure I get my revenge." And with one last look at me and Felix, Lucien walks away with as much dignity as a bloodied and bruised assassin can have.

"I had him Felix!" I whine and walk up to him, at this proximity I have to crane my neck up to look at him and it irks me to no end “ but nnoooo, you couldn't let me have this one victory could you?!" I say while jabbing my finger into his chest with every "you" I say.

I don't fail to notice his bloodied fists, nor the sweat running down his face or his disheveled blonde hair. And a small part of me feels guilty, but not that much, because nobody asked him to help.

He looked down at me with an amused expression and laughs "I just can't figure you out little Dasha, but I promise I will" he flicks my nose before walking away.

How freaking Dare he flick my nose! I'm an assassin not a freaking child!
I stare at him leave, my mouth hanging open "you don't get to call me that!" I shout at him.

"I just did" he says over his shoulder.

I cross my arms and huff before turning on my heels to pick up all the stuff I dropped when Lucian shoved me.

I just don't understand Felix... we're in the business of killing not making friends.


I walk into the keep and into the dining room to find almost every assassin eating, some on the long dining table and others sprawled lazily on the couches nearby. In fact, they are so relaxed some people might think we're some type of strange family, but I know better...

I don't see Felix or Lucien, the latter is probably licking his wounds and trying to heal his bruised ego.

As assassins the pay is good—well except for me, Arcus takes all my money—So these men essentially lack nothing especially when it comes to food.

which usually one of us goes into town to buy, and when I say "one of us" I mean me, Felix, or Lucien because as the younger ones in the Keep we get all the jobs nobody wants; this includes killing innocents or just kills no one wants and buying food.

I gaze for a while longer at these murderers whom I live with—that was my mistake—before silently making my retreat...“ Our Little Nightmare decided to show up I see” Arcus announces, earning a few chuckles from the men, he sits at the head of the table with his feet kicked up on the table.

My heart speeds up with fear, and I instantly hate myself for letting Arcus make me feel like a scared eight year old.

But I have to make sure he doesn't notice or he'll use it against me, so force my body to lean on the door frame, force my muscles to relax “What can I say, guess I like making an entrance” I say lazily, trying to mask the panic that comes when everyone's focus is on me with a nonchalant tilt of my lips.

Arcus puts his feet down and leans forward on the table “ That you do...” he says sounding bored with this conversation already, as though it wasn't he who started it!

"Your assignments for today are in the armory" he says addressing us all, I turn to walk down to the armory
"oh and Nightmare, one more thing” I stop dead in my tracks.

"No more "quick deaths" make um suffer ” Arcus says with a wink.

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