Eleven-The Run

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Just when my body is trying to achieve the impossible—sleeping in the pouring rain—I become alert when I see Felix abruptly stand.

He looks around, listening, watching and I can practically see his muscles begin to coil. He turned to me and gave me a look, one I am very familiar with from the multiple missions we've had together.

It means...run.

We both run towards our horses and in seconds we're mounted and galloping, I look over my shoulder and that's when I spot them. Four riders, their horses are tall and toned, but from this distance I can't tell who they are, or if I even know them. Are they from the Assassins Keep, I have no idea!

One thing is certain though, they're gaining, our horses are worn out and it shows. I glance at Felix who rides besides me, why oh why did he have to have a heavy horse! Why!

From what I can tell our pursuers horses are practically athlete's, tall and lean with long legs, basically bred for speed.

And again, it painfully shows, Amir could probably out run them even in his worn out state, but that would mean leaving Felix.

Oh well, bye Felix...just kidding...maybe...I just really enjoy being alive.

Felix shoots me a deadly glare guessing at my train of thoughts, I swear he's a mind reader. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted when I hear the riders urging their horses to run faster, their right on our heels. It's then that I notice two things, one, their horses are beyond Huge— compared to Amir. Secondly, this one makes me mad, one of the riders is Asher the Jerk face!

Gosh I guess our dance meant nothing, how rude.

I silently thank the magic of Shabina I'm wearing my half mask, because it  would be awkward if he recognized me.

"Damnit Dasha, FOCUS!" If  Felix yells like that again he'll injure his vocal chords or something, and despite this situation, I roll my eyes at him.

And he laughs, I swear we're mad crazy, but what can I say, we thrive on stuff like this. It makes us feel alive, helps us forget how pathetic our life really is.

"Stop in the name of the Crown!" Asher shouts at us, and I snicker!

Ha, crown or no crown, I am not stopping!

I guess our horses feed off our deranged adrenaline because they suddenly kick into gear, their hooves pumping faster, their sides heaving with effort, coats shiny with sweat.

"I said STOP!!"Asher roars, their still pretty close despite our new speed.

"Heard you the first time you idiot" Felix yells over his shoulder, then pulls his small throwing knives from his vest.

Swish, swish, swish

The three blades go flying towards Asher, and to the riders of the palomino and chestnut horses.

Damnit why didn't I think of doing that first?!

The next thing that happens surprises me: Asher easily dodges to the side avoiding a blade to the face. The reason this surprises me is because Felix never, ever, misses his mark.

He almost always at least nicks the target, and that's exactly what happens to Ashers companions, if their groans of pain indicate anything.

Asher growl viciously, and suddenly his horse is neck and neck with Amir, and being the sweet stallion he, Amir snaps viciously at Asher's horse. I instantly swell with pride when he lands a decent bite into the tall horse's neck.

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