Chapter 2

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Ross's POV

I shrugged my shoulders before I entered my password, man that waiter sure is weird. I quickly opened my Mountain Dew to take in a gulp before I glanced at my screen. My avatar stood on a mountain overlooking my friend, "Mithzan's home," Even though we both haven't met in real-life I felt as though Mithzan was my best pal. I glanced over my shoulder to find the waiter get on his phone. He threw a glance in my direction and we locked eyes for a moment before he turned away.

I sighed quietly as I found myself suddenly becoming suspicious of him but, I continued to wonder around the game until a message appeared on the bottom right corner of my screen. It was from my buddy Mithzan! As I clicked open the message my eyes scanned over it quickly, "Hey Pal! I was wondering if we could meet up somehow... perhaps at a coffee shop?"

I grinned instantly as I began to write back, "Sure! The nearest coffee shop for me is, the Cresent Falls coffee shop located in Seattle, but if you aren't near then maybe I can meet you halfway?"

"No, that's perfect! How about we meet up tonight? Is 2:00, ok with you?"

I felt my heart skip a beat as my hand raced across the keyboard, "Yeah, that sounds great!" As we said our goodbyes I smiled halfly to myself, I can finally meet one of my idols! I quickly turned off my laptop as I looked at the time that was on the bottom right corner of my screen, half an hour until its 2:00! Boy, does time fly!" I quickly raced out of the coffee shop. My appartment was directly behind the coffee shop thankfully giving me more time to prepare. With my laptop in hand I skid to a halt in front of my apartment, as I creaked open the door I sighed in relief. as I slowly remembered that my parents were out of town for a business meeting. I raced across the hallway towards my bedroom.

The room itself was coated with a red and golden striped paint along with a light gray bed. I glanced around the room for a moment before opening up by closet. As I pushed my clothes to the side I smiled quickly as I found my favorite T-shirt that I bought from his merch store. Will he think I'm too clingy? I asked myself as I threw on the shirt and raced out of the door. I quickly brushed my light brown hair to the side as I once more stepped inside of the coffee shop.

A tall lady who had light golden hair stood at the counter meanwhile a boy who looked around a three or four years older than me sat at a table. He wore a dark gray beene that hid half of his face but, you could see ginger hair poking out of the beene. He wore a black turtleneck and a chain that had a golden Z on it. I glanced down at my phone and found a text from Mithzan, "I'm sitting at a booth, you will find me wearing a gray beene." I looked back at the boy and smiled in shock, I'm finally meeting him! Keep your cool Ross... keep your cool.

I strolled over casually and took a seat across from him. The boy glanced up from his phone and smiled at me I paused as I realized his face was familiar, "Hey... your that waiter from earlier!" I grimly stared at the ground as he nodded.

"Yeah, I am. Sorry if I creeped you out."

"That's fine pal! Anyways my name is Ross, what's you name, 'Mithzan?'" I asked half expecting him to lie and say that his name was acctually Mithzan but instead he shrugged his shoulders and told me that his name was Max.

The two of us began to get lost in our conversation. I figured out that his last name was Laplume and that he was from Louisiana. I told him that I was born in New York and my last name, which was Botsford. Apparently, Max was 2 years older than I was making him 19.

I smiled quickly and met his eyes, "Can we hang out again tomorrow something, it's kind getting late." I asked awkwardly and found him nodding in agreement. I smiled halfly to myself but as we began to walk towards the door we realized that the ground outside of the coffee shop was beginning to flood with fluffy white snow.

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