Chapter 12

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Max's POV

I perched on the white bedsheets, watching the nurse untangle the various wires, I'm surprised their letting me out this early. According to Ross I nearly died and usually they would keep their patients an extra day if something bad happened. The doctors must be sure that the surgery was a success. I shrugged my shoulders as I glanced back at the nurse who was now taking the chords out of my arms, oh well, at least I get to leave early. I'm just surprised that Ross didn't take the license plate information. Then again I was in a bad condition so I guess I can see why not.

"Sir, please stop moving." The nurse growled in outrage. I frowned in response but stood almost completely still as she proceeded to remove the chords. "Well, you may leave now. Just remember to be cautious whenever moving around. Also, stay away from driving for at least one month." The nurse began to walk away but, she paused to look back at me, "Also, don't let anyone in your bed again. It's against the hospitals policy." The nurse dipped her head and left the room. Leaving me to ruffle my hand through my hair in embarrassment.

I guess Ross and I just got caught up in each other's company. I said to myself as I slowly got out of the bed. My eyes flickered around the room, before I pushed open the door and began to walk down the hallway towards the elevators. Lines of multiple people surrounded the four elevators. As I got inside of one of the elevators I quickly slid into the nearest corner to try to avoid any conversation with another patient.

As the elevator started, the metal box began to shake violently as it began to fall towards the bottom of the shaft. As soon as the elevator fell to a halt, I stepped out and allowed myself to survey  my surroundings once more. Potted plants lined every corner of the hallway and vast varieties of people walked in and out of the hospital. I glanced around before proceeding towards the exit of the hospital to find Ross talking to a taxi driver.

Ross turned around and smiled at me as I approached him slowly, "So, my appartment is being used for as a crime scene at the moment. Is it ok if we go to your place, or possibly a park for the rest of the day?"

"What, why?"

"Well, the police are questioning if I ran you over or pushed you into the road. Honestly I'm nervous because I don't want your mom to press charges on me."

"Don't worry Ross, I won't let anything happen to you." I paused for a minute as I pondered whenever my parents were home, "I guess we can head to my place."

"Cool!" Ross smiled as he opened the door for me, instead of getting in, I shoved him in playfully. As we got into the taxi, the taxi driver glared at us through the mirror.

"Where to?"

"Galileo Avenue." I responded as I wrapped by arm around Ross' shoulders. As the taxi roared out of the hospital I couldn't help but wonder how Ross was able to take me to the hospital. I shook the thought away and decided that the past was the past and that Ross and I should focus on our future.

I glanced out of the window and watched as trees flew past the taxi. As soon as the taxi reached Galileo  Avenue the driver pulled over to the side of a stop sign, allowing Ross and I to exit the vehicle. As I stepped out of the taxi, I allowed the fresh air to bathe my tounge as I watched bird fly over me. Ross quickly got out of the taxi and tipped the taxi driver before we both walked towards my appartment. The appartment looked like most buildings in the area but, Dog statues dotted every corner of the yard.

As Ross and I walked into the house I glanced around to double check that my parents weren't home. "Well what now?" I asked as Ross put my phone on the kitchen counter behind him. "Want to watch Anime?" Ross asked as I smirked and together we both sat on the sofa and turned on One-Punch Man.

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