Chapter 22

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(A/N) Guys he is dreaming in this part. Please do not go thinking that I skipped ahead in the story. LOL

Max's POV
I sat in a room that had luxurious silver and blue walls. Small golden Z's sat spaced out perfectly in the wallpaper. My eyes darted back and forth anxiously as I watched as a tall Male who wore a dark black suit and a light blue tie walk towards me. "Max, calm down!" The Male sighed sympathetically as he rubbed his bald head.

My hand raced for my ginger hair as words began to scramble out of my mouth, "Yes but I'm getting married Andy! I don't know what to do! What if they say no!"

"Max snap out of it!" Andy yelled one last time, I sighed as I took in a deep breath before facing him, "I understand that your under alot of pressure but so are they."

I sighed and nodded, "Y-yeah, yeah I guess you are right." I sigh before getting out of the chair. "Come on, we have a wedding to do."


I blinked open my eyes and sat up in my bed, the dream lingered in my mind for a moment before I shook it away. As soon as the dream left me a new thought came to me, for some reason I felt as though a part of me has died. As though I had lost something but, I didn't know what it was. I took in a deep breath before I swung myself off of my bed. All of the girls were asleep which made it alot more boring but it gave me some more time to think of an escape plan. I crouched down and grabbed a small pebble that was on the ground and I tossed it at the wall. That felt good, I thought to myself as I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around to find Winter looking at me, her bright blue eyes bore into my brown eyes. She smiled warmly at me before speaking, "so want to play a game? How about-" Winter was rudely interrupted by one of the soldiers kicking open the door.

"Get up you brats! It's time for you four to spar!" A voice barked from behind us. Krista and Jazz groan as they slowly get out of bed. The soldier looks at us one last time before slamming the door shut behind him.

Winter frowned at me but I only shrugged, it was the leaders rules after all. Winter and I walked off towards one of the furthest corners of the room. I decided that I would go easy on her today, seeing as I beat her yesterday. I crouched down into my battle position and met her eyes. Her tail flickered back and forth as she decided how to attack me.

As I waited for her, I listened to the yelling of Krista and Jazz. They just of started, I thought to myself as I glanced up to find Winter lunging for me. I quickly dodged and watched her hit the wall. "To slow!" I teased as she narrowed her eyes at me, this time I lunged for her, I raced for the left before strafing to the right which took her by surprise. We both tumbled into the wall but we got to our feet quickly. I took in a deep breath as I prepared myself for impact.

Winter lunged for me and I accidently went into her, the two of us rolled on the ground for a minute until we were on top of each other. Our lips were- touching. My face turned red as I quickly jumped off of her. I looked at the ground clearly flustered, what have I done?

Winter laughed awkwardly and we both quickly went back to sparing, at first we were careful of our movements until we fought as though we were dancing. The two of us went at it for minutes. My hands were starting to sting from the amount of times I hit the wall instead of her face but, I finally managed to push her to the ground and I let myself sigh in relif, "Heh, that was fun." I allowed myself to let my guard down by trying to catch my breath and before I knew it she was up again.

Only this time she didn't want to lunge for my face. Winter raced for me and before I could do anything she round-house kicked me in the private. I winced in pain and fell backwards onto the ground. Cursing in pain I glanced up to see victory glowing in her light blue eyes.

"Should of protected yourself better." She laughed as she extended a hand towards me, I grabbed her hand and stood up, biting back tears of pain.

I glanced over to the left side of the room to find Jazz and Krista on their backs laughing. Clearly at me, "your all lucky your girls." I growled as I gave them the finger before I carefully sat on one of the bottom bunks.

My hand rushes to my hair as I listen to their conversation which consisted mainly of laughter, "man your going to have to show me how you managed to pull that move as fast as you did!" Jazz chirped as Krists giggled in agreement.

"I will show you if Max volunteers to be a training dummy!" Winter jokes as she looks over at me, I give them the finger once more before I glare at the floor heavily. This answered Krista's question from earlier, I hated being the only guy.

I glance up as the door bursts open once more, a new soldier walks inside and he stands in the door way looking over all of us. "Alright time to head to the cafeteria." The man begins as he walks out of the door. As he stood outside I slowly got up but I managed to bite my lip which helped with the pain... barely.

As we headed towards the cafeteria, I followed the three girls towards the food and drink stand, I quickly departed from their echoing contagious laughter to grab myself a water to refresh myself from the spar. They did have Macaroni today but, for the first time in life, I wasn't in the mood. Strange?

Why do I feel so weird all of a sud- hey there giving out cupcakes! I tell myself as I see a sign that says cupcakes, once I in a lifetime. I quickly raced over and grabbed the last cupcake. The last cupcake for the sweetest person in the world. The cupcake had a deep blue icing that had light pink sprinkles on it.

As I strolled back to the table, I began to hum a Nickleback song. I closed my eyes as I imagined myself in a meadow, birds singing over my head along with s sing tree that sat a couple of feet away from me; but before I could open my eyes, I found myself trip as I collided with someone. As I fell to the ground I realized that the cupcake was gone. I quickly got up and glanced around to only find the cupcake on the ground. It's icing was all over the ground, ruined.

I turned my head to find a teenager who was about 2 years younger than me, he had light brown hair and dark brown eyes. Black square glasses were on the crook of his nose. "Oh Max, I'm sorry I didn't see you!" The teenager began as he got up quickly. He glanced down at the cupcake then at me, "Max?"

"I'm sorry but who are are you?"

Nickleback: How You Remind Me

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