Chapter 13

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Ross's POV

As everyone continued to dance around to the loud echoing music, the door burst open and 6 men stormed inside, each of them wore dark black armour that had light blue outlines. The men stood in a line in front of my door and stared at the party. Everyone turned to stare at this group who seemed to act like a SWAT team when suddenly a man broke out from behind the group of men. I felt my heart drop in my chest as I recognized the man's face, it was Mr. Gildencod. "The eight of your are under a rest. You will be escorted outside by my guards."

"We are under a rest, so your going to put us in a bed? We are not babies man." Charlie huffed while everyone else giggled in agreement. Max quickly stood in front of me and threw his arms out, ready to protect me from any impact. I wanted to push Max down, knowing that his injuries would only make him vulnerable but I remained where I stood frozen in shock.  I am good at landing a good few blows when it comes to fighting but, I can never manage the final blow, I don't know why but I don't like to hurt others.

"Get them." The Mr. Galebread hissed as the men stormed forward. Four new men walked inside as soon as the line of men broke apart. Two men began to walk towards Max and I, both of them were wearing a helmet making it impossible to see their genders or their identities. As soon as the men stepped into a 2 foot radius, Max glanced up and met from the ground and met their eyes with his own.

"Back off." He growled as he pushed himself closer to me. I apprehensivly took a step back and felt a hand wrap around me. I tried to scream but I was quickly muffled when a hand pressed down on my jaw as well as my nose. Making it impossible to even bite my attackers hand. I watched in horror as Max tried to fight off the two grown men who were previously going for the two of us. But now that Max was left alone, it made him vulenerable to whatever they did to him. The first soldier pushed Max to the ground and as he tried to stand up. The second man pinned him to the ground and put silver cuffs around his hands before Max could try to fight back.

As the man behind me let go off me to put handcuffs on me, I lunged forward and fell to the floor beside Max, "I will get us out of this my little Squirrel." Max whispered to me as he weakly shot me a smile but his smile disappeared almost as soon as it had came. I blinked away a tear as the soldiers handcuffed my hands. I looked up to find Mr. Galebread looking down at Max and I. Max growled as he tried to break free from the two men holding him down, but he suddenly gave up. "Touch my boyfriend and I will rip your guts out!" Max hissed through gritted teeth as he began to breath heavily.

The boss simply flashed Max a snarl and within seconds the first man who pinned Max down banged Max's head against the ground, knocking him out. "Max!" I screamed as the two men got off of him. I glanced around my surroundings to only realize that everyone was knocked out and I was the last person left. "Leave my friends alone you-you monsters!" I squeaked as I tried to sound brave, but I could even hear the tint of fear that lingered in my voice.

The men simply laughed as they knocked me upside the head. Darkness surrounded me as I felt the cold hard ground touch my back before I fell unconsious.


I blinked open my eyes as I felt the room around me skate violently, I glanced up to find myself in a dark gray van with Andy and Pookie in the van with me. One of the men coated in Black sat in the van with us. The man gave me a challenging glare and I opened my mouth to try to scream but, I realized that my mouth was covered with duct-tape making it impossible for me to scream. I closed my mouth slowly and ignored the fact that some of the sticky part of the duct tape got in my mouth.

"That's a good boy." The man smirked as I looked at the ground.

What are they trying to do to us? Where is Max? Suddenly I began to feel my heart thunder in my chest as I broke into a quick sweat. What did they do to him! I quickly tried to stand up, but I fell back down as the cold feeling of chains ran against my arms and legs.

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