Chapter 8

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Ross's POV

The sun burned into my eyes as I slowly blinked open my eyes. I turned my head to find Max's head laying against my shoulder along with his hand going across my chest. I smiled as I began to carefully move Max over. As I did so, his hand grabbed my chest harder as though he did not want to let go of me. I couldn't help but smile. He just broke up with his girlfriend and wanted to be by my side, it felt like an honor but, I felt bad for Krista at the same time.

I shook the thought out of my mind as I once again moved Max's arm out of the way. Max growled in his sleep and turned the opposite way, making it easy for me to finally get out of bed. As I stood up, I couldn't help but stare at him, his gentle breathing was like music to my ears. I grinned ear to ear as a fairytale of the two of us getting married played through my mind like a movie. No Ross. Snap out of it! If you stay attached to him then your lives will not end up like how most Anime love stories go! As I continued to ponder about how to be a good boyfriend, I was interrupted by a voice.

"Ross, why are you watching me, sleep..." Max muttered, by the tone of his voice; it was obvious that he was exausted. His ginger hair was all over the place and it looked as though birds made a nest in his hair.

"I was just- just thinking about a few things!" I yelled as I turned my head away, I couldn't help but blush due to the fact that he was giving me a cute smirk, "What?"

"Oh nothing." Max shrugged as he jumped out of my bed. As soon as he passed me, he kissed me on the cheek before leaving my room.

Do I need boyfriend lessons or something! I asked myself stupidly as I followed Max outside. Max sighed as he took his phone out of his pockets, "I need to head home Ross, I'll see you later."

As Max began to walk towards the door, in barely a whisper I called out to him, "I love you~"

"I love you too, my little squirrel." Max yawned as he opened my front door and began to treck home. I watched sorrowfully as he moved slowly across the street. I watched with a smile until I watched in horror as a dark gray convertible came tearing down the street, the problem was that the convertible was in the middle of the road. As I screamed for Max to look out it was already to late.

My heart dropped as I watched Max turn his head in fear and then not even a second later the car came barreling right into him. I quickly ran out of the house towards Max. Seconds passed until the smoke finally cleared to show Max on the ground. His body lay crooked and blood was rushing out of his arms and legs. His dark clothing was torn in some areas making it look like he was one of the werewolves in the fables. glanced up as I watched the convertible continue to race through the streets. Not at all worrying about Max who was bleeding out quickly.

Tears fell out of my eyes as I reached into Max's pockets to pull out his phone. The phone was cracked but luckily, Max's jacket kept it from being horribly damaged. I glanced down at Max and began to slowly but carefully drag him out of the road. As I looked at the road I realized that he was losing blood fast. I quickly turned on Max's phone and scrolled around until I could find his contact page. Max had three most contacted people, his mother, myself, and Krista. Which was not a surprise.

I gingerly pressed his mother's contact and waited impatiently as the phone rang. As soon as she picked up I screamed into the line, "Go behind the cafe right now! He is bleeding to death." His mother sounded confused as she asked me what was going on but, instead of answering I told her to hurry.

As soon as she hung up the phone, I quickly put his phone into my pocket before wrapping my arms around Max's neck as I began to cry into his chest, this is all my fault. I should of watched his surroundings. I began to sob even harder until the sound of breaks filled my ears. I glanced up to find a blue Honda parked in front of Max and I. I quickly blinked away my tears as a tall woman who seemed to be in her forties stepped out, she looked almost exactly like Max, apart from the fact that his hair was darker than hers. She paused as she saw Max and I and hurried to our side. "What the hell happened!"

"There is no time! You need to take us to a hospital!" The woman nodded slowly as she opened the doors to the back of the car. I picked up Max slowly and carefully placed him in the car. His head brushed against my hand as I slowly let him go.

"You need to stay back there and put pressure on the wounds. I don't care if you are a total stranger but you need to help me!"

"I will, I promise." I sighed as I climbed into the seat next to Max. I gently lifted his head and placed it on my lap as I began to put pressure on his arm. I watched in sorrow as his leg continued to bleed but, I couldn't reach it. Thankfully a hospital was barely 5 miles away from us. As soon as his mother started the car I could feel my heart stop. Max's breathing was below normal and I didn't know what to do.

I gingerly looked out the window as I let out a sigh of relief. We made it to the hospital in a record of time. His mother stopped the car in front of the emergency room. I slowly lifted Max's head in my hands and bit back tears as his mother opened the car door. As she stepped out of the way I grabbed Max and began to carry him towards the hospital.

His head continuesly beat against my shoulder every step of the way. As soon as we got inside, four nurses looked petrified as soon as they saw us. One of them raced over behind the counter and began to call around the emergency room for doctors. The other three nurses began to scramble around the room until they grabbed a portable bed. In a matter of seconds the nurses took Max out of my arms and placed him gently on the bed. Without saying anything else two of them quickly pushed the bed towards a vast hallway.

The third nurse told his mother and I to wait in the waiting area until further notice. The lady paused and looked at my clothing for a second, "Follow me young man, I can get you a quick change of clothes."

"Huh?" I asked as I looked down at my gray T-shirt. The T-shirt was spotted with Max's blood making it look like a murder scene. "O-oh."

The nurse quickly led me towards a bathroom and opened up a closet which revealed at least 20 white shirts, she grabbed one of the nearest shirts and tossed it at me, "Go on and get changed," she spoke before leaving me alone in the bathrooms. I quickly rushed into the boys bathroom and began to slip on the shirt. Even though the shirt was twice my size, I didn't seem to care. My mind wouldn't stop worrying about Max's condition.

As soon as I exited the bathrooms, his mother lunged for me and grabbed me by the shirt collar, "Now what the hell did you do-"

"Please I did nothing!" I whimpered, as she continued to yell at me, "A black convertible ran him over!"

The lady paused and sighed in disbelief, "Well then why didn't he-"

"Max was barely awake when he tried to walk home. I wanted to ask him to stay awhile longer, but he seemed to be in a rush."

His mother gave me a long stare before sighing, "Thank you for at least helping, but who are you."

"I am Ross, I am Max's B- Friend. Max's friend!" I quickly replied, I wasn't sure whenever his mother was a fan of LGBTQ and the last thing I needed was for Max to wake up dead.

"Well then Ross. I really am grateful of your help but, you can head home if you want."

"No, no I want to be here. Please you don't understand, Max and I are like- like brothers in a sense." I implied, I mean it wasn't completely a lie, Max felt like family to me, most people turned me down and usually it would be your family who stays by your side but, Max was there for me when my family members couldn't.

His mother sighed but nodded, "Fine, I guess you can stay." As I slowly smiled in relif I found the smile quickly turn back into a frown, I didn't know anything about Max's condition, all I knew was that I was going to wait until he woke up, even if it took 1,000 years.

Suddenly my breath caught in my throat as I began to wonder if Max was even going to wake up. If Max died then I wouldn't just loose a boyfriend but I would loose a close friend. A friend who managed to calm me down even in the darkest moments. I gingerly shook the questions out of my mind before running my hands through my hair in worry. Max, I will never forget you. If you do end up dying just understand that you were my first love...


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