Chapter 9

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Ross's POV

A couple of days passed as his mother and I sat in the waiting room in silence. From time to time she would call somebody to tell them about Max. Max's phone even vibrated in the back-pocket of my pants, but I decided to ignore it. I felt myself slowly getting impatient with the hospital staff. The employees would not let us see Max even though it has been around 3 days since he went in the back.

I haven't left the hospital since Max went into the back. His mother left every now and then to get herself some to eat or sometimes to just go home for the night. The nurses were kind enough to give me hospital food so I don't starve or dehydrate. I sighed as I leaned back in the hospital chair and closed my eyes, I just needed to relax for just one minute.

I blink open my eyes slowly to the sound of footsteps. My head slowly got off of the cushion of the chair as I glanced up to find a ginger haired nurse walk up to Max's mother who sat beside me. I quickly pretended to be asleep as the nurse began to talk to his mother. Once the nurse started talking I realized a hint of sorrow that lingered in her voice,  "Are you here for Max Laplume?"

"Yes, yes I am."

"We do not know everything about Mr. Laplume's condition but, what we do know is that after an MRI test, we were able to detect that Max is in a coma." The nurse sighed as Max's mother began to yell at her to do something. But there was nothing she could do.

I felt my heart drop in my chest, what if Max never woke up from his Coma? What if I never get to see him smile again? What if I never get to hear his voice again? What if I never get to wake up to see him beside me? I froze as I remembered the first time I woke up next to Max. Well ontop of him at least. We had just met for the first time thanks to a snowstorm Max had to stay over at my house until the storm cleared away. As the what if's continued to race through my head I felt myself slowly getting nauseated, I didn't want to think that I would loose Max. Especially with everything we've been through together. But, seeing his limp body in the middle of the road made me realize how much I needed to enjoy the good times with him. The good times with my friends.

I took in a deep breath as I tried to clear the what if's out of my mind. I just need to focus on the happy memories. I just need to focus on how Max will wake up.

As I continued to press happy thoughts through my mind, an hour must of passed before a nurse finally walked back towards us. She grimly looked at Max's mother and I before she gave us the news, "Your friend is in a terrible state, he has only a 30% chance of living but we are trying as hard as we can to keep him alive. We did all that we could for right now. The hospital is busy contacting other hospitals around the world for an answer. I'm sorry to tell you the news, the doctors are allowing you both to go and see him. Just please be careful, he is hooked up to multiple machines which are keeping him alive while we figure out how to save him." The nurse dipped her head at us and spoke out once more, "He can be found on the third floor in room 309."

As the nurse walked away, his mother and I began to treck somberly towards the elevators. Elders and sick people invaded the area around us as we climbed into an elevator. With each second that I stood in the elevator gave me a shorter amount of time to be with Max. As soon as the elevator stop, I found myself rushing out of the elevator but, Max's mother was quicker, she pushed me to the side and began to storm towards room 309.

I quickly shook my head as I followed her inside. Machines lined the walls along with cords of many colors. Two chairs sat on the right side of a ghost white hospital bed. My heart dropped as soon as I saw Max's condition, In the bed lay Max, his clothing was tattered and stained with blood along with the multiple chords that were in his arm and chest. An oxygen tank sat on the left side of the bed and a clear tube was across Max's face, barely sticking inside of his nose.

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